#1. “What’s new here” modules is mod_ja_vmproductslide module, In this products is ordering by “product_name”.
If you want to change order field, i think you can make code modification as follows.
1. Open application.php file in modulesmod_ja_vmproductslideja_vmproductslide folder.
2. Finding code section
$query .= ($this->_typeproduct) ? (($this->_typeproduct == 1 ) ? ' AND p.product_special ="Y" ORDER BY p.product_name DESC ' : 'ORDER BY p.cdate DESC ') : 'ORDER BY p.product_name DESC ';
about line 75
3. Change ORDER BY field as you want
#2. You can do the same with module “Featured products”
Open file mod_virtuemart_featureprod.php in modulesmod_virtuemart_featureprod folder.
And change sql Order by for get products query.
Hope that helps