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  • apan66 Friend


    On the frontpage, my products appear randomly, in the “What’s new here” and “Featured products” module.

    How can I place them in my own order and keep them that way?

    Thank you in advance.

    Phan Gam Friend

    #1. “What’s new here” modules is mod_ja_vmproductslide module, In this products is ordering by “product_name”.

    If you want to change order field, i think you can make code modification as follows.

    1. Open application.php file in modulesmod_ja_vmproductslideja_vmproductslide folder.
    2. Finding code section

    $query .= ($this->_typeproduct) ? (($this->_typeproduct == 1 ) ? ' AND p.product_special ="Y" ORDER BY p.product_name DESC ' : 'ORDER BY p.cdate DESC ') : 'ORDER BY p.product_name DESC ';
    about line 75
    3. Change ORDER BY field as you want
    #2. You can do the same with module “Featured products”
    Open file mod_virtuemart_featureprod.php in modulesmod_virtuemart_featureprod folder.
    And change sql Order by for get products query.
    Hope that helps

    apan66 Friend

    Thank you.

    But I’ve never done this, I really don’t know what to write instead of that code?

    Thank you very much for your effort.

    Phan Gam Friend

    Hi apan66,
    You can open website doc root (where locate your website codes) and make to change as my suggestions.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phan Gam 14 years ago.

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