Hi ilet.
You can activate the old options:
Edit the file : /modules/mod_jak2filter/helper.php
line :
1404 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘ralpha’, JText::_(‘JAK2_TITLE_REVERSEALPHABETICAL’));
1406 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rorder’, JText::_(‘JAK2_ORDERING_REVERSE’));
1450 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rxf’.$item->id, JText::sprintf(‘XFIELD_ORDER_DESCENDING’, $item->name));
1453 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rxf’.$item->id, JText::sprintf(‘XFIELD_ORDER_REVERSE_ALPHABETICAL’, $item->name));
remove the comment syntax “//”
And edit the file : components/com_jak2filter/models/itemlist.php
line : 361-364
Move the code
if (empty($order_fields)) { // set default ordering if no ordering choosen.
if ($jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering'))
$order_fields[$jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering')] = $jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering');
To line : 63.
$xf = '';
$xfJoin = " LEFT JOIN #__jak2filter_taxonomy_map jatm ON jatm.item_id = i.id";
if (empty($order_fields)) { // set default ordering if no ordering choosen.
if ($jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering'))
$order_fields[$jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering')] = $jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering');
foreach ($order_fields AS $of => $vof) {
That’s all.
This feature with order is in under development stage, we’re trying to improve it better. And it’ll be updated in upcoming release version.
This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by BigHug 9 years, 1 month ago.
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