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  • BigHug Friend

    Hi ilet.

    You can activate the old options:

    Edit the file : /modules/mod_jak2filter/helper.php

    line :
    1404 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘ralpha’, JText::_(‘JAK2_TITLE_REVERSEALPHABETICAL’));
    1406 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rorder’, JText::_(‘JAK2_ORDERING_REVERSE’));
    1450 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rxf’.$item->id, JText::sprintf(‘XFIELD_ORDER_DESCENDING’, $item->name));
    1453 : // $options[] = JHtml::_(‘select.option’, ‘rxf’.$item->id, JText::sprintf(‘XFIELD_ORDER_REVERSE_ALPHABETICAL’, $item->name));

    remove the comment syntax “//”

    And edit the file : components/com_jak2filter/models/itemlist.php

    line : 361-364

    Move the code

    if (empty($order_fields)) { // set default ordering if no ordering choosen.
    if ($jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering'))
    $order_fields[$jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering')] = $jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering');

    To line : 63.

    $xf = '';
    $xfJoin = " LEFT JOIN #__jak2filter_taxonomy_map jatm ON jatm.item_id = i.id";
    if (empty($order_fields)) { // set default ordering if no ordering choosen.
    if ($jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering'))
    $order_fields[$jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering')] = $jaK2FilterParams->get('catOrdering');
    foreach ($order_fields AS $of => $vof) {

    That’s all.

    This feature with order is in under development stage, we’re trying to improve it better. And it’ll be updated in upcoming release version.


Viewing 16 post (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  BigHug 9 years, 1 month ago.

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