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  • escrennes Friend

    hi there!

    i really don t get the logic in the ordering of the articles on the homepage either in featured articles display (home-10) or the Latest articles (home-11).

    as highlighted in yellow here : the ordering seems completly random

    My guess would be that i set up something wrong here, can anyone help me out please?

    1. screenshot
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can set the article order from the module .
    for example on position home-11 there is an article category module in JA TAbs .
    you set the order of article by hits . you can change it from this module .
    Module manager>>Popular>>options>>ordering options>>>> Article order by
    see this >>> http://prntscr.com/4wzm79

    And in Latest module its by created date see this >> http://prntscr.com/4wzn2a
    Same you can do with the module on Home-10 position .
    open the module and set order as per your need >>> http://prntscr.com/4wzneq

    Hope it helps

    escrennes Friend

    thxss for the answer i get the ordering for the home-11 popular based on number of hit.

    but the thing is , if you look at the home-10 module supposed to display the 4 latest articles based on the publishing date, i would expect to have the latest article as the big, bold, main article.
    Then the second latest underneath it on the left hand. Then the third latest next to it, and the fourth lastest on the right hand side.

    Which is not what i get, as the big article with the coin was publiched : 1 day 23 h agao
    Then on the second line i have :
    an article published more than 2 weeks ago
    the one with the cart was 3 days ago
    and the latest with the recycle logo : 4 hours ago

    So i really do not get the logic here.

    I am really confused by this, maybe i missed something along the way

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    on position home-10 Module ,
    You set the order is recently modified first . Change it into Recently Published first order .
    So that order will work with this order .
    If you want to change the date order from year days ago to a date like 25 September .
    Go to /template/ja_magz/TemplateHelper.php

    find this code

    public static function relTime($timespan, $granularity = 2) {
    static $units = array(

    And change it into this

    public static function relTime($timespan, $granularity = 2) {
    return JText::sprintf(JHtml::_('date', $timespan, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC3')));
    static $units = array(

    escrennes Friend

    Sorry for being such a pain in the A..# but, i changed the ordering in the latest module on home-10, to recently published first, as adviced, and… Nothing. the ordering is still a mess. I keep scratching my head here.
    any Idea what went wrong here?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi Can you PM me your site FTP details , i will have a closer look

    jan van de beek Friend


    i have the same issue on my website. i use HOME10 with latest news, but the ordering of the items is not behaving in the way i would like to see. I choose the option to display the recent items first, but unfortunately this is not working.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi Jb music
    PM me your working site admin details and ftp details .
    i will check it on your site

    jan van de beek Friend

    send you a PM..

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi @jbmusic I fixed that issue on your site. last posts are deleted due to some server attack issue . I hope you got the solution in your email and issue is fixed .
    Update me if issue is still there .

    jan van de beek Friend

    Thanks for the support. It works fine now!
    case closed 🙂

    infodsign Friend

    Hi there!!

    Sorry to get in to this Thread but I`m getting crazy with this issue also, I need my latest news in Home 10 to display order only by created or published date, and still doing it by the more visited.

    Can you help me??

    By the way I’ve just applied your tip for how to show dates and it worked just fine!

    Thanks in advance!

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    <em>@infodsign 473642 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi there!!

    Sorry to get in to this Thread but I`m getting crazy with this issue also, I need my latest news in Home 10 to display order only by created or published date, and still doing it by the more visited.

    Can you help me??

    By the way I’ve just applied your tip for how to show dates and it worked just fine!

    Thanks in advance!</blockquote>
    HI Please create your own thread and add the sisite details there , so we will help u better on your own post.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 9 years, 7 months ago.

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