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  • pb66 Friend

    I’m trying to rebuild my old J1.5+Purityii website with J2.5+Orisite and K2.

    Part of the site I want to have a set of product samples (colour pics) displayed in five of columns on the page, then when the user clicks they see the image and the “extra fields” of K2 containing part number, colour description etc. Kind of like paint colour charts.

    Obviously, to use the extra fields, each colour has it’s own page. I’m trying to do it this way for SEO as the current site uses Simple Image Gallery Pro and Google doesn’t recognise any of the images as even existing.

    I can get the subcategory display columns to change, but each setting I change for he ‘columns for primary’, ‘columns for secondary’ doesn’t change anything. Each of the trailing articles appear on the page underneath each other.

    Is there something I am missing or is their a fault in the Orisite template for K2? I find the documentation and forums for K2 quite lacking. This new site only exists on my laptop at this time.

    Any help would be appreciated (or even a better way to do this!).


    chavan Friend

    Hi pb66

    Could you provide me login to your dev site and some screenshots that indicate your issue ?

    It would help, right now i am guessing about the probable causes.


    pb66 Friend

    As stated above this site only exisits on loccalhost – probably until early next week when it should go live.

    The attached pics show the problem.

    Note: K2 Subcategory parameters are inherited. Sorry, the attached pics are pretty low res, but they give you the idea.

    In Screenshot-single-backend, you can see the parameters for category view have columns set at 5 and images at extra small. This is for Primary, secondary, etc.

    The other two shots show the category view and the single item view. I want to fill these screens with thumbnails under the product image (or category view). But no matter what I change these columns to there is always only 1 article column undereneath.

    Another issue is the alignment is very messy as it’s working on the article description width and not aligning to any kind of grid so it will look messy.

    If I change the number of columns for child categories the children categories rearrange and change layout OK, but nothing underneath does. (btw only 2 columns really looks alright at the default screen size as the encompassing boxes don’t resize properly!)

    I hope this makes sense. As stated above. An alternative way to achieve the result is welcomed. I have over 600 product samples to load (only 7 done so far!) and don’t want to do it one way and then have to do it again.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    1. Screenshot-single-backend
    2. Screenshot-single-categoryView
    3. Screenshot-single-Product
    chavan Friend

    Hi pb66

    It is hard to guess your issue, I think it is happening from the settings. JA Orisite can only support one column, however you can still configure columns like attached image.

    1. layout_grid
    2. orisite_column_k2
    pb66 Friend

    Thank you for your response.

    I assume you mean that Orisite can only support one row.

    I can’t get the columns to replicate what you have there.

    If it only supports one row, it won’t do what I want so I’ll go down a different path.

    As I said above I’m trying to create almost a ‘paint colour’ chart. Should I try using JA Lens or JA Wall on those pages?


    chavan Friend

    <blockquote>As I said above I’m trying to create almost a ‘paint colour’ chart. Should I try using JA Lens or JA Wall on those pages?</blockquote>
    I am not clear about your idea of ‘paint color’ chart? If you can give us some reference or screenshots, may be we would know what you are trying to achieve.

    If its easily achieved we shall help you out, but if it is going to take too much hacking or customization, we are afraid we wont be able to provide support for the same.


    pb66 Friend

    The attached screenshot is of part of the current site. It uses Simple Image Gallery Pro to lay out each image and they popup when clicked upon. Labels and popup additional data is loaded in a text file from the image directory.

    This method looks great on screen, but the problem is that the popup engine doesn’t present title and alt tags correctly. There are over 600 of these on the current site, plus images on the other 90 odd pages —– Google indexes 46 pictures!

    Love the front end look – don’t like the SEO of the implementation.

    Thanks for your support. 🙂

    1. Screenshot1
    chavan Friend

    <blockquote>This method looks great on screen, but the problem is that the popup engine doesn’t present title and alt tags correctly</blockquote>
    You want to say that the popup engine doesn’t present title and alt tags, although they are rendered in html file?

    I could not access your site, so it is hard to debug your issue. You could try to customize popup rendering in plugins/system/japopup

    I hope its helps!

    pb66 Friend

    To my understanding JAPopup doesn’t present a thumbnail automatically which means double the work inserting (and resizing) the image then coding each product name and description/part number/etc. Not going to use the K2 extra fields.

    I know that JAPopup presents the title and alt tags correctly in HTML though.

    But thanks I’ll give it a go.


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