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  • luciffere Friend

    I want to change the color for each button from magazine menu. For ex, the first button is linked to a K2 category, and have the id=419 (firebug show this:
    <li class="menu-item1 active"><a title="Sanatate" id="menu419" class="menu-item1 active" href="/jatc_teline_iv/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=261&Itemid=419"><span class="menu-title">Sanatate</span><span class="menu-desc"> </span></a></li>
    Now. In the template.css i inserted the code:

    #menu419 a {color:#ff0000 !important}
    #menu419 a:hover {background:#ff0000 !important; color:#fff !important;}

    but the color for this button not changed. Where i wrong?
    Thank you.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Change to:

    a#menu419 {color:#ff0000 !important}
    a#menu419:hover {background:#ff0000 !important; color:#fff !important;

    that should help.

    luciffere Friend

    Thank you, but i studied the”home” class and i made more menu sufixes class for rest of buttons: Here are the customizations http://www.craiovaplace.ro/ziar (is testing server)

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    That is a really good way too :).

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