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  • altjon Friend

    Hi there,

    I am trying to override the template.php which is located in core folder inside the plugin with a copy of template.php placed inside template folder but I can’t make it work. I don’t want to modify the core file since I need to update in the future. Any solution?


    Phill Moderator

    Please details exactly what you are attempting to do. Overrides are done in many different ways all depending on what you are trying to do.

    altjon Friend

    I want to make some changes in template.php but I don’t like to change the core file. Is it possible to make a copy of template.php somewhere inside template folder which will override the parameters of template.php inside the plugin folder?

    Phill Moderator

    With T3V2 template.php really does not do that much. Most of the work is separated into smaller chunks to manage each section of the page. If you can say exactly what you want to do then we can show you how to do it, or you could read the full guides here – http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/Main_Page

    T3 does take a little while to get used too (it is very different to the old Joomla way) but once you do it makes a lot of sense.

    athenasennes Friend

    Perhaps he wishes to produce for his customers templates from his company XYZ design and would prefer the prefix xyz- to ja-? Sure he can override in the plugin the page/default.php and change much of the ja- prefixes there to his xyz- he cannot change the bd wrap, the menu or some of the ja- prefix layout.php either. Since Jat3 is a plugin and joomla handles its overrides with a view and jat3/core/template.php has no view… he cannot override. He could, of course, change the plugin prefix directly but then he would have to do one of two things if he was planning perhaps to sell his T3 created Joomla template…

    1. Install his modified version of template.php and layout.php not to mention the menu folder for each menu class that he is providing with template through T3.

    This first option is great if the owner of XZY Design company is making the template for one client and he knows that client won’t worry about updating the T3 plugin. If he did, the prefix xyz-would no longer be there, rather ja- would be back throughout his clients site thus creating a “kaput” website.

    2. He could provide to his “clients” aka buyers of his template a so called fix, patch, call it what you will, how about, the T3 BOOSTER? He would tell his club template members that if they update T3, they need a BOOST again from the template.php file he provided with his modified prefixes.

    This much better than option one because he could enjoy the greatness and ease of creating templates from the T3 framework and to a minimal amount of effort, support his templates.

    Of Course, if he wants to be serious about selling templates, this doesnt look that grand because who really wants to find the name of the site they bought a template(often on impulse) and get a patch?

    There is, however, an even better option, we will call it option 3.

    3. Joomlart takes out the prefix or allows on the installation of template or in parmeters a prefix override for ja-

    Many might say, why would they do that? They give the template framework away for free and now they’re supposed to take away the advertizing from the source code?

    Well… my reply to these people might be…


    The only peeps doing that are other developers looking to point fingers…

    I mean, isn’t that the point of it? The boss of Joomlart says he put this out there for everybody to make wonderful templates so how about letting those who wish to make wonderful sellable templates using the T3use their own prefixes because the majority of the advertizing will come from the T3 logo on the front?

    After all, Artisteer(OMG did she say that word in the same paragraph as the word developers) finally did it in their 3.0 version(still in Beta).

    Bottom line?

    T3 rocks and unless they’re planning to charge for the framework one day, they aren’t getting much out of the ja- prefix. Some people just want .wrapper and not .ja-wrapper, it looks cleaner.

    Gavick is one template maker, designer, developer who uses T3 proudly and if you look at his source code, you don’t see any ja- rather gk-, his prefix, the one in all his templates, mods, etc. I’m not sure if he adds the “Fix” method, or if he wrote on the installation of his template and then plans to give updates as T3 does, or if he and Hung are pals and he gets a special T3_blank_Gavick_Version.


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