<em>@metastorm 348576 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
1. Is it possible to make overrides of non-Ja components and modules? For example, I want to make overrides of css file
I’ve made a theme in templatesja_nexthemes and try to make some overrides. All JA modules overrides works without problem, but I can’t force to work any other – like Kunena or ADSManager css.
2. And second question: is it possible to make overrides of template.css for ARTICLE VIEW only?</blockquote>
Hello metastorm,
1. You can’t do this. The only thing you can do is to use the same style in “kunena.forum-min.css” file in “/templates/ja_nex/css/template.css” file, Then add ” !important” after each overrided style.
2. You can’t make overrides of template.css for ARTICLE VIEW only.