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  • charlot64 Friend

    Hello ! 🙂

    I am currently working on the template framework JA T3 Framework 2 for Joomla 1.5.22 (2010 version) and I wanted to ask you how to override the css stylesheet of the plugin typography (typo.css : /plugins/system/jatypo/typo/typo.css) within the template ja_t3_blank in order to add / change some css styles…

    I placed a file named “typo.css” in the following directory: /templates/ja_t3_blank/css/typo.css but it does not work :((

    Do you have an idea?

    Thank you for your answers 🙂

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    As far i know, JA Typo is system plugin. It could not override in “real way”.
    To do this, i suggest :
    – Add your own css file into document
    – Write your own css overriding .
    Hope it could help you.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    charlot64 Friend

    Hi !

    Thank you for your answer ! 🙂

    You suggested to call the CSS styles of stylesheet “typo.css” like this: “@import url (‘typo.css’) screen”, within and at the end of the document template.css. Ok this is a solution ;).

    I preferred to call this file typo.css within head.php already overrided in my own template ja_t3_blank for other needs like this:

    <? php JHTML:: stylesheet ('', 'templates / system / css / system.css')?>
    <? php JHTML:: stylesheet ('', 'templates / system / css / general.css')?>

    <? php JHTML:: stylesheet ('', 'templates /'. T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE. '/ css / typo.css')?>

    Now I reflect on how to add/generate other type css styles (shortcodes) in the plugin system itself “JA Typo” and access in the WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE 2.0.

    Thanks again ! 😉

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  charlot64 13 years, 4 months ago.

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