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  • guywheels Friend

    Hi,I have a problem with my page display. In the top left hand corner I have the word PORTAL, how can I correct this?

    On the top right I have button where you can select colour and text size etc, can this be disabled?

    Can I set default text size and set wide screen as default?

    Still new to all this so please detailed instructions if possible.

    Your help is appreciated


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi guywheels !
    Please send link of your site !

    guywheels Friend

    Hi hainn84

    Link http://www.polokwaneinfo.co.za/realty


    Sherlock Friend

    1.Portal: because your site name is long :”Polokwane Info Property Portal”, it will break and Portal appear at the left of site.
    2.Remove select tool:
    edit index.php(templates/ja_rochea/index.php). Search those lines:

    <?php if ($ja_tool) {?>
    <div id="ja-usertoolswrap">
    <span class="ja-sitetool"> </span>
    <div id="ja-usertools" style="left:<?php echo $ja_tool_left; ?>px">
    <?php genToolMenu($ja_tool); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Remove or comment them
    3. Choose font, color, screen default:
    You also edit index.php
    Width screen:

    # Change the width of the template
    $ja_width_default = 'wide'; // 'narrow': 800x600; 'wide': 1024x768


    # default color
    $ja_color_default = 'default'; //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes

    Font size

    #font size default
    $ja_font_size_default = 3;

    guywheels Friend

    Sorted problem out thank you for the info

    sbst Friend

    I am having the same problem in Joomla 1.5. These instructions seem to be for 1.0x.
    Anyway changing to “wide” is not an option for me since I already made all the artwork for narrow. I also disabled the “tool selector” and I still see the problem.
    I shorten the site title just for the problem is not that critical, but if you have a higher resolution monitor you can see part of the title (in 1440×900 you can see the problem, I do not see it in 1280×768).
    Any suggestion?
    You can see it at http://www.womens-specialty-center.com

    Sherlock Friend

    Plz edit index.php(templates/ja_rochea/ folder)
    Search those lines:

    <a href="/index.php"> WSC-OBGYN Center Dallas TX </a>

    Change to

    <a href="/index.php"/>

    sbst Friend

    Do you mean the line with sitename?

    <a href="index.php">
    <?php echo $tmpTools->sitename();?>

    Sherlock Friend

    yes, that’s true

    kbotnen Friend


    I have the same problem. The logo image disappear, and get replaced with the sitename. The strange thing is that it only happens on some pages. I use the ‘wide’ and J1.5.5. Is there a way to ‘lock’ the logo image? It seems that it depend on the content if the logo image is showed as it should or not.

    Here is link: http://www.visualisere.no/main

    The “Hjem” and “Nyheter” shows the problem, the rest of the topmenu links (“Interiør”, “Eksteriør” and “Portefølger”) displays the page correct. But I suspect it to break if I add more content to them too.


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