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  • tuscanasori Friend

    page one

    i would like to have a unique picture as background only for the first page. the others should stay like they are.

    what do i have to do? and where da i have to do the changes??

    Thanks for your help

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear tuscanasori,

    page 1 contains a module(namely “Home page” mod_custom in our demo) , and that module should have style class sticked with it, you can change the style in css files to get it a background image. For example, in our demo it is a custom module with the content:
    <div class="page-wrap">
    <h3 class="page-title">We heart crafting awesome<br /> <span class="orange">websites and interfaces</span></h3>
    <p class="page-intro">Hey you :). Don’t just take our word for it, check out what we’ve done and learn more about us.</p>
    <p style="text-align: center:"><img src="images/stories/demo/introduction.png" border="0" alt="Introduction" /></p>

    we can see it has “page-wrap” class, then I will edit /templates/ja_cloris/css/template.css, and change

    div.page-wrap {
    min-height: 800px;

    into this:

    div.page-wrap {
    min-height: 800px;
    background: url(http://youlinktobgimg.com/img.jpg);

    another solution is to add a Module Class Suffix, then add a class moduletable_your_suffix to specify a bg img.


    tuscanasori Friend

    Hy hungnd,

    thank you very much for your quick reply. I´m really sorry, but I explaind it wrong on the first turn. Here is what i ment:

    I would like to have a unique „bg“ only on this page “about us” (see attatchment). no repeat on the other following pages. the „bg“ should be hole width of the template.

    Thanks again

    1. www.joomlart
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    then the most simple solution is, open template.css, add this rule:

    #about-us {
    background: url(yourimgurl.jpg);

    dont forget to clear JAT3 cache.

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