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  • igon2 Friend

    Hi, how to do the page with image icons like this: http://prntscr.com/aqyp1h


    pavit Moderator


    That’s a JA ACM Module type Gallery Style-2

    Below the code for the demo settings just copy it into advanced button at top when you are editing module

    {":type":"uber:gallery","gallery":{"jatools-layout-gallery":"style-2","isotope[block-intro]":["Start with a sample layout here. Make your ideal custom site truly yours. "],"isotope[block-extra-class]":[" section-border text-center"],"isotope[block-bg]":[""],"isotope[colmb]":["2"],"isotope[coltb]":["3"],"isotope[coldt]":["3"],"isotope[gutter]":["40"],"isotope[fullwidth]":[" container"],"isotope[acm-style]":["style-light"],"isotope[animation]":[""],"isotope[hover-animation]":["swiper"],"isotope[btn-text]":["Suggest A Layout"],"isotope[btn-class]":["btn-primary btn-lg btn-rounded"],"isotope[btn-link]":["http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?103876-Preview-Uber-October-Responsive-Joomla-template-%96-Designed-for-multisites-(Update)"],"isotope[text-1]":[""],"isotope
    [title]":["Uber Music","Uber Business","Uber Corporate","Uber Spa","Uber Charity","Uber Application","Uber University","Uber Wedding","Uber Restaurant","Uber Home","Uber Gym&Fitness","Uber Construction","Uber Lawyer","Uber Church","Uber Medicare","Uber BookStore","Uber Landing Page"],"isotope
    [details]":["For entertainment and relaxing","Grow your successful business online","Featuring information from corporation","For stress release and relaxing","Where the kind heart shining","For thoughtful mobile app developers","More than just getting a qualification","Where people be united in marriage","Build your own food-world ","","","","","","","",""],"rows":17,"cols":6,"type":"list"}}}

    Change images with your own images

    1. Screenshot_11-1
    igon2 Friend

    Thank’s a lot!

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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