Can the userguide be updated?
The code mentioned for the partners section is exactly the same code as the happy clients section.
Also in the userguide the screenshot of Portofolio is displayed as the front end appearance
I got a lot of difficulitys getting this template to work.
- TinyMCE deletes all the HTML codes. I got a clean joomla 3.1 installed on my site.
Then I preformed a manual install of this template. But I could not get it to look like the demo.
It seems that TinyMCE deletes all the html code in a “special html”module.
Yes, The administrator had the rights to enter HTML. Also the cleanup function of tinymce was disabled.
Then I switched from TinyMCE to the other standard editor.
Untill today I did’nt solve this issue. Temporary I got a workaround, I simply disabled TinyMCE and installed JCE.
- It could be better desribed when you need to insert a special html section or a ja popup module