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  • sirajm Friend

    I love this template. Beside image rewrite issue/bug, I am also experiencing slow performance issue with this template. I tested the temaplate with couple of servers and same issue. Please advice.

    Thank you

    Menalto Friend

    Which host are you using on thoose servers?

    sirajm Friend

    Here is the host


    sirajm Friend

    here is test result.

    Speed test results:

    URL: http://www.ihelpcommunity.com
    Measured Speed (using 10 mbps T3 connection): 12.47 sec

    normally it’s under 1 to 2 seconds.


    teetide Friend

    Yeah, it’s running slow for me too.

    BTW, your layout is blowing up in IE6.

    sirajm Friend

    hello, where is support. Please help.

    steinar Friend

    <em>@Menalto 49966 wrote:</em><blockquote>Which host are you using on thoose servers?</blockquote>
    Linux Apache/2.0.59 (CentOS) (According to Netcraft)

    Khanh Le Moderator

    I see the performance is quite good for your site. There’s a problem with your ja_catslwi module (the Hot topic module). You could apply this fix or wait for the next release of this template in 1 or 2 days.

    sirajm Friend

    Thank you for your reply, I will wait for hot modules fixes.

    Also here is the speed test result. It’s taking 10 to 15 second to load the page.

    Speed test results:

    URL: http://www.ihelpcommunity.com/
    Measured Speed (using 10 mbps T3 connection): 12.09 sec

    Our site speed was 1 to 2 second before we installed this temaple.


    sirajm Friend

    Thank you Knanh Lee! It works! it resolve the hot module issue and also the performance is much better now.

    ruigato Friend

    is there a simple whay to remove all the “extra” javascript and css?

    I just use tabs (mootols i think) and dont use highslide neither in the login/search/register or in content (images/videos)
    Also as i dont use the Ja_news things i use only one color in all site.

    So maybe its not a problem to remove the highslide things and the extra colors of the template.

    With Teline II my site loads 5 seconds later than with the “old” Teline.
    Even testing with other templates like populus and mobius (rocketheme) that also use mootols efects and similar i have considerabily slower load times.

    I cant expect that a visitor sits and whait for more than 10 secons to see my site…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@ruigato 61880 wrote:</em><blockquote>is there a simple whay to remove all the “extra” javascript and css?

    I just use tabs (mootols i think) and dont use highslide neither in the login/search/register or in content (images/videos)
    Also as i dont use the Ja_news things i use only one color in all site.

    So maybe its not a problem to remove the highslide things and the extra colors of the template.

    With Teline II my site loads 5 seconds later than with the “old” Teline.
    Even testing with other templates like populus and mobius (rocketheme) that also use mootols efects and similar i have considerabily slower load times.

    I cant expect that a visitor sits and whait for more than 10 secons to see my site…</blockquote>

    Hi ruigato,

    Are you using Joomla 1.5.x or Joomla 1.0x? The Joomla 1.5.x takes longer to load, and once you add the JA Teline II, it slows further.

    It is no surprise that JA Teline II takes longer to load than the original JA Teline or the other templates you mentioned, JA Teline II is more complex than those templates, more so when with Joomla 1.5x — not sure if this was due mainly to bad scripting. A cursory look at the Joomla architecture, it uses way too many directories, subdirectories and subfiles to create the scripts needed to create the Homepage.

    My analogy to this is that it will take you longer to fetch a file if you have to open so many cabinets, racks and folder. Similarly, consider how many CSS files that must be summoned to define each module, submodule, then the files, etc.

    Simlilarly, I am not sure how the database architecture was designed and whether it was optimized for compilation of bits of information to create a complex page like the Homepage. I read a book on databases and the author used the same analogy about accessibility and compilation that would determine how fast a site would perform.

    A multimedia rich site is always slower. If you noticed, the tab module containing the You tube, and the images is the last to load and configured properly. Removing them as well as the videos may help a bit, as you stated.

    There used to be a technique in static html, where you can delay the upload of some components.

    If you are just talking about Joomla and template, just imagine when you add other extensions — Community Builder, Forum, ShoutBox, comments, etc.


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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