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  • jwellman Friend

    This latest project was a wee bit difficult. 😀 A member from this forum jumped in and helped rewrite the code for the header. (Thank you again Scotty). We wanted the baby’s photo to be in the limelight but the way I was trying to arrange things was not working properly in Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

    I chose this template Click here to view the JASargas mainly because of the colors and the fact that I could see the baby sitting directly on top of the background design. It is one of JA’s older creations so there were several errors in IE. With Scotty’s help most of them have been ironed out. The “More” button still does not work but I can live with that.

    The site houses two templates. We used JA Hedera on the Memorial Page. We did this so we could have two Guestbook databases. The Phoca Guestbook on the Memorial Page was modified to include a candle. The customer wanted the ability for friends to “Light a candle” in memory of their loved one. Currently there is a Christmas candle but the image will be rotated for each season.

    The site is almost complete (except the Help Kendra area). I’m waiting on the mom to supply information that goes there.

    As always, thanks for visiting and if you discover any errors please let us know!
    Click here to view Kendra’s Journal

    cjmicro Friend

    I love the header with the baby sitting on top. It’s a really nice site, good luck,

    swemmel Friend

    Hello Jessica,

    I thought I give the site a visit. I stayed there for almost an hour, reading with tears in my eyes. I am a father of 2 girls and this must one of the things a parent does not want to experience.

    The website is very beautiful. Clean, fresh colored and perfect composed for its goal. My compliments. The same counts for your own journal.

    With kind regards,

    scotty Friend

    WoW Jessica, the site has come on in leaps and bounds since I saw it last. Well done!

    jwellman;93316 The “More” button still does not work but I can live with that.

    I’ve had another look at this. CSSmenu is not working in the demo site either but I thought I’d be clever and copy everything from Ja Trona Css menu, which is working in IE6, to Sargas but still no luck.

    Transmenu is working in IE6 on the demo but not the quickstart so I might have a look at fixing that and getting your ‘More’ button working.

    jwellman Friend

    Thank you guys. What the journal doesn’t tell you (no recent posts have been made yet), is they believe Kendra’s stem cell transplant is failing. After five months in the hospital, that means starting the entire process over again. :(( They took her home for the Thanksgiving holiday and will be returning to Cincinnati in a few days.

    Thank you for the kudos on the site. Other than the header, the menu, and Becca’s rework on the guestbook… everything else was a breeze.

    Scotty!! Don’t waste another minute on that menu button!! Jeeze Louise…people really need to upgrade to IE7. 😀

    scotty Friend

    You could add a script in for IE6 users telling them to upgrade to IE7 (or better still… Firefox!)

    swemmel Friend

    jwellman;93656Thank you guys. What the journal doesn’t tell you (no recent posts have been made yet), is they believe Kendra’s stem cell transplant is failing. After five months in the hospital, that means starting the entire process over again. :(( They took her home for the Thanksgiving holiday and will be returning to Cincinnati in a few days.

    Hi Jessica,

    This is very sad to hear. :(( I will pray for them that everything will turn out fine.


    sunrise Friend

    I’ll pray too. Prayer can work miracles and miracles still happen.

    I really like the site. It looks nice, the colors, the Quilt of Love is fantastic. I didn’t have time to read so much, but bookmarked it so I can take time to read more later. And to follow sweet Kendra’s progress.

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