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  • gianfranco Friend

    Hi all, I have a problems, in some article I need to show the photo just like it is and not in the little gallery at the right embeded in the ja popoup.

    Is it possible?
    Or any images in the article will show like this?


    questbg Friend

    Just place the following at start of article:

    {jathumbnail off}

    then you can place images where you wish in the article

    gianfranco Friend

    thanks a lot

    elvar Friend

    What if you want to have FIRST picture enabled for auto thumbnail but all other pictures in the articles to be as is?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi elvar,

    If you want jathumbnail to be off for some particular images, use tag:

    {jathumbnail off images=”images/stories/demo/world/rs-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/world/rs-2.jpg”}

    knuganga Friend

    <em>@hungnd 211992 wrote:</em><blockquote>hi elvar,

    If you want jathumbnail to be off for some particular images, use tag:

    {jathumbnail off images=”images/stories/demo/world/rs-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/world/rs-2.jpg”}</blockquote>

    This code only moves my thumbnail formated image from top right to bottom right..?


    elvar Friend

    Not just that.

    I do not want to edit 100 articles with images in it. It must be a better way in the code to prevent after first picture to plugin go further…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@knuganga 221623 wrote:</em><blockquote>This code only moves my thumbnail formated image from top right to bottom right..?

    No, when the image is off, it will look like normal, there will be no changes in size and position.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@elvar 221624 wrote:</em><blockquote>Not just that.

    I do not want to edit 100 articles with images in it. It must be a better way in the code to prevent after first picture to plugin go further…</blockquote>

    I understand what you meant, but unfortunately ja thumbnail does not support such feature, you have to declare images to be off manually.

    vmmir Friend

    I was having the same problem and discovered that if you disable the Content-JA Thumbnail plug in then you can locate your images wherever you wish within the article. Hope it helps.

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  vmmir 13 years, 10 months ago.

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