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  • ragnarorn Friend

    Hallo all,

    Can anyone tell my how to put a single picture with link in module in user 6? Or it is some other way to do it?

    Ragnar Örn.

    mfcphil Friend


    Not used this template could you let me know where user 6 is and maybe add a link to your site.

    I would have thought you could simply add an image and some text to an existing module and assign it to user6, but like I said I have not used the template before 😉

    mfcphil Friend

    Its OK I found the template module positions http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php

    As I thought simply copy the demo user6 if you want that look.
    Copy a module already on your site that allows you to add text.
    paste the content you copied into the text area add you link
    save the module and assign it to user6 😉

    if you get stuck…just ask.

    hope this helps

    ragnarorn Friend

    Hallo again.

    This is my site:

    In this template it allows to set picture with link on user 6, 7, ………..on the bottom of the page. See demo: http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_iris

    Do i have to make new module for each user…

    Or can i use some modules i already have on my site. Sorry how difficult it is for me say what i would say. My enghilsh not very good….

    Tx, Ragnar Örn

    Hilary Cheyne Friend

    I had this problem too because I was upgrading an old site and didn’t use the template with Joomlart content in it – the quickstart.

    The way I got around that was to use two joomla extensions:



    There are two versions of each 1x native and 1.5x native

    You need both these extensions for your version of Joomla.

    Then, to add content or image to your module, just make a new content item as normal in joomla (you can just put your image in it), make sure that you change the publish date so that it does not appear in ‘latest news’ and follow the instructions in the extensions’ homepage. You will find that all the module positions are already in your template for you to choose in parameters.

    That’s the way I put all the bottom modules in this site [1.0.15]:

    Hils (I hope I have explained this clearly!)

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