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  • pforesti Friend

    Hello everybody,
    i’m working on my website and i’m trying to put a slideshow on top of a static article, instead of below it.
    As you can see from the screenshot, linking a static page shows the elements in this order:

    1 page (marked as B in the screenshot)
    2 slideshow module (marked as A)
    3 banner module (not used)

    I’d like to invert elements A and B, being able to have the slideshow on top!

    Is there an easy way of doing it?

    Thank you

    UPDATE: my joomla version is 1.5.7

    1. scr
    mackas Friend

    Yes I want to do the same thing. I want a slideshow module to go right across the top of the front page under the nav bar! This would be great if someone can let us know how to do it!

    Menalto Friend

    The easiest would be to start up with which version of joomla you guys are using?

    pforesti Friend

    <em>@Menalto 82027 wrote:</em><blockquote>The easiest would be to start up with which version of joomla you guys are using?</blockquote>

    1.5.7, as for me 🙂

    mackas Friend

    1.0.x for me

    Sherlock Friend

    please open index.php(templates/ja_rytile folder):
    search this line:

    <jdoc:include type="message" />
    Add those lines above:

    <?php if($this->countModules('user9')) : ?>

    <div id="ja-slideshow">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user9" />

    <?php endif; ?>
    You can install slideshow module and set it to user 9 position, and add css for that

    pforesti Friend

    Thanks, just perfect 🙂 Saved my day 😀

    mackas Friend

    I can’t find those lines of code in my version of index.php – is it different for 1.0.x?

    Sherlock Friend

    With Joomla 1.0
    open index.php
    Search this line:

    <div id="ja-current-content" class="clearfix">
    Add those lines above

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user9') ) { ?>
    <div id="ja-slideshow">
    <?php mosLoadModules('user9', -1); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    mackas Friend

    Thank you for that – it worked a treat!

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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