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  • 5268311 Friend

    Hello. This site is in two languages ​​English and Spanish. I enabled the language switcher flags so that you can select the language.

    I need your help. The flags are the position: top-panel

    Spanish: http://coopegua-cp47.webjoomla.es/index.php?lang=es

    English: http://coopegua-cp47.webjoomla.es/index.php?lang=en

    I need the following:

    1 -The flags should be located on the right side in the top panel
    2 – The background color is Blue (#006094)in inicio and Servicios where the top panel
    3- Also the background color of orange (#F08800) and green (#A09B3A) top panel for sections of the La Coope Informa and Servicios.

    Please see attached image.

    Thanks for your help!


    1. toppanelblue
    2. toppanelorange
    3. toppanelgreen
    phong nam Friend


    Pls follow below guides carefully:

    <blockquote>1 -The flags should be located on the right side in the top panel</blockquote>

    Open media/mod_languages/css/template.css, then find & replace:

    div.mod-languages ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;


    div.mod-languages ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    float: right;

    <blockquote>2 – The background color is Blue (#006094)in inicio and Servicios where the top panel</blockquote>

    Open /templates/ja_university/css/template.css, then put below codes into the end of file:

    #ja-top-panel {
    background: #006094;

    #ja-top-panel .main-inner1 {
    border: 2px dotted #006094;
    background: #006094;

    <blockquote>3- Also the background color of orange (#F08800) top panel for sections of the La Coope Informa</blockquote>
    Open templates/ja_university/themes/purple/css/template.css, then put below codes into the end of file:

    #ja-top-panel {
    background:#F08800 !important;

    #ja-top-panel .main-inner1 {
    border: 2px dotted #F08800 !important;
    background: #F08800 !important;

    <blockquote>4) Conózcanos menu in your snapshot, not Servicios.</blockquote>

    Open /templates/ja_university/themes/green/css/template.css, then put below codes into the end of file:

    #ja-top-panel {
    background:#A09B3A !important;

    #ja-top-panel .main-inner1 {
    border: 2px dotted #A09B3A !important;
    background: #A09B3A !important;

    * Remember to clear T3 cache after applying changes.


    5268311 Friend

    Thank you very much for your help. The changes were made perfectly.
    Now I have a small question.

    I need to remove white space. Is it possible?

    See the link about Three color:

    blue: http://coopegua-cp47.webjoomla.es/index.php?lang=es look perfect
    orange: http://coopegua-cp47.webjoomla.es/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=29&Itemid=596&lang=es look perfect

    green: http://coopegua-cp47.webjoomla.es/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=22&Itemid=605&lang=es look perfect

    But the white space I Think is not necessary. I need to remove white space in the three color.

    Please see image attached

    1. white_space
    phong nam Friend


    <blockquote>But the white space I Think is not necessary. I need to remove white space in the three color.</blockquote>
    Pls put below codes:

    #ja-top-panel {
    margin-top: -15px;

    in the end of /templates/ja_university/css/template.css .

    * Remember to clear T3 cache after applying changes.


    5268311 Friend

    Hi Leo Thank you for your help!

    I have a questions?

    Where exactly it this: T3 cache ?

    phong nam Friend


    <blockquote>Where exactly it this: T3 cache ?</blockquote>
    T3 cache data is stored in t3-assets folder on your server. The JAT3 clear cache button is on the top right of backend.


    1. 1
    5268311 Friend

    Thank you !

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  5268311 11 years, 7 months ago.

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