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  • mirzamunas Friend

    The website that I was voluntarily creating and maintaining for my alma mater was hacked in August 2008. I couldn’t log in through the admin and I had to rename the index page to avoid the hackers home page. Please if someone could help me to get it back online would be a great help. I did alot of work on it and I updated the site. If I go on to build a new one I will lose all those work and news that I updated. Please if someone could help. I used Teline.

    sunrise Friend

    Hi mirzamunas,
    Sorry to hear this. I think anyone who would try to help with this would need a bit more information. But I was wondering if you had some kind of backup, whether you did it or the hosting company.

    mihirc Friend


    the best thing would be to access the phpmyadmin and reset your password to access all the files again. Here is a link that will guide you, about what you have to do, to get the site back.

    As a thumbrule, never keep your sites permissions to 777, keep it 755. If all the site modifications are done, you might as well change it to 644.

    Between here’s the link – >

    Mihir Chhatre.

    mirzamunas Friend

    Well, I didn’t get any backups as it was a work in progress but I had lots of news and events updated on the site… but my problem is that I couldn’t get through admin ……… in some forums they speak about a super admin .. where with super admin you can change the password of admin… but I couldn’t find how to get about to do it… in some forum they say to update with the security patch to get it fixed.. but I don’t think that will work as I couldn’t get through the admin ……… I put lot of heart and soul into the work as its something that I did for my alma mater and it had nothing to do with money…

    mirzamunas Friend

    Sorry this didn’t help….. as in the phpMyAdmin already the jos_plugins table the User – Joomla states as 1 and not as a 0.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mirzamunas 15 years, 11 months ago.

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