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  • lucia33 Friend

    I need urgent help, my site suddenly stopped working, after you install a module, everything is misconfigured. The error modilo and gave him out, but the page still have problems in the module mod_janews_fp in / tmpl / default / script.js, please, I do? It is urgent, I need help!

    Mensaje: ‘this.cur_activePanel.offsetHeight’ is null or not an object

    Detalles de error de página web

    Mensaje: ‘this.cur_activePanel.offsetHeight’ is null or not an object
    Línea: 18
    Carácter: 3
    Código: 0
    URI: http://www.eldiariodeiglesia.com/modules/mod_janews_fp/tmpl/default/script.js

    Manos Moderator

    Please disable module weather and try again

    lucia33 Friend

    Unfortunately it does not work. No time is the module that creates conflict.
    You can verify that the page unconfigures completely when I install it.
    Now what? Please I need an urgent solution! Help me

    Manos Moderator

    The issue is probably caused by a third party plugin or module so i sugest that you debug your modules (you can disable all third party modules and plugins and start to enable one by one to find out the one that causes the confict).

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Dear lucia33!

    Which module has been installed before the error?


    lucia33 Friend

    I installed mod_qhorizontalscroller.zip and that caused the problem, even after uninstalling the module, the continuous poblem.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    I have checked your site and seen that you have a module at “Sociales”. Please try disabling it.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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