onecompany;122236I want to use the JA Tabs plugin in category mode.
{jatabs type=”articles” catid=”35″ view=”introtext” position=”top” width=”420″ animType=”animMoveHor” }
When I don’t specify the height, plugins used in articles are not working.
When I do specify a height, then plugins used in articles do work.
Is there any trick or hack available to get plugins working without having to specify the height?
Hi Rene
I don’t quite get the point?
If the plugins work when a height is declared then declare a height?
In the tabs docs it states that the default height is set at 200 ( so if you don’t enter a value the height will be 200) if the plugins are failing its because they need a greater height declared which generally would vary according to plugin?
Looking at the folder mod_jatabs from the Opal QS I have installed locally to test the ja tabs function, I find in the helper.php file the height is set to auto
Whether this is the case with the standalone ja tabs or whatever template your using, I guess you’ll have to look for yourself at that file, meanwhile try setting (seeing if the system allows) a parameter of either auto or 100% figuring this would allow the height to dynamically change depending on requirements
Shouldn’t be too hard to test
Hope this assists you