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  • jamjodesign Friend

    Hi all, I need some help with the following issue – I created the attached png which is actually a see-through png of text sitting on then a blue sky background image.

    You will see under the “W” and around the “W” there is a slight dotted line like a tear which is not showing up in firefox and IE and only shows up in Chrome and Safari? I am referencing this png in the CSS and I am just wondering if this is a CSS issue and if anyone has any advice on how to solve this rendering issue in chrome and safari? :confused:

    This is not a problem with the theme and just a part I am adding to the theme :-[

    Any help much appreciated.

    1. png-issue
    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear jamjodesign!

    I saw the image attached, but i still see a short description bellow the “W” character, it ‘s showing up on all browsers on my computer ( firefox, chrome, safari… etc), the font-size of the text is so small, i could not read it :(, you try to make the bigger font-size for it and increase the quality of the image

    May be the problem will be fixed on your computer

    Good luck

    jamjodesign Friend

    Thanks for reply this help me alot – now I know what is wrong. I was wondering if anyone knew the correct way to set font size to 0% in safari and chrome css? Basically I want to do this as I only want text to come in on the right navigation of the slide show and therefore on the left I want the font size to be zero!!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear jamjodesign!

    Here is the solution:
    1) please open the file templatesja_oreslibsja.template.helper.php and find the following code:
    [PHP]function browser () {[/PHP]
    and replace:
    function get_user_browser()
    $u_agent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’];
    $ub = ”;
    $ub = “ie”;
    $ub = “firefox”;
    $ub = “safari”;
    $ub = “chrome”;
    $ub = “flock”;
    $ub = “opera”;

    return $ub;

    function browser () {

    2) and open the templatesja_oreslayoutsblockshead.php file and find the following code at line 77:
    .main {width: <?php echo $this->getParam(‘tmplWidth’, ‘auto’, true); ?>;}
    #ja-wrapper {min-width: <?php echo $this->getParam(‘tmplWrapMin’, ‘auto’, true); ?>;}
    and replace:
    .main {width: <?php echo $this->getParam(‘tmplWidth’, ‘auto’, true); ?>;}
    #ja-wrapper {min-width: <?php echo $this->getParam(‘tmplWrapMin’, ‘auto’, true); ?>;}

    <?php if( $this->get_user_browser() == ‘safari’ || $this->get_user_browser() == ‘chrome’ ) : ?>
    .mystyle {
    <?php endif; ?>

    note: example for overriding the mystyle css rule


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