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  • bmtoth Friend

    If I submit an idea in the front end.

    And then the idea is either deleted (in either the front end or the back-end) the points the user designated for the suggestion is not returned.

    I think this is a pretty HUGE flaw or bug.

    This means if a user submits a number of posts that are deleted the user will never regain the points that they wasted on the original submission.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi bmtoth,

    I have fixed this for you.

    Please kindly check again.

    bmtoth Friend

    Ok, I’m going to trust that you did fix it.

    I added a suggestion as a guest for 3 points and then I logged in as my admin user and I deleted the suggestion. However, when I logged back out the points weren’t returned. Maybe I’m confused as to how JA Voice operates.

    But, again, are these fixes being updated on YOUR side as well? What I have to re-download JA Voice because you release an update (we pray .. 🙂 ) will all my issues return or have you fixed them on your end as well?


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there,

    The above bug has been fixed and updated to the latest version 1.3.2 which is now available for download. Kindly download HERE and upgrade accordingly

    bmtoth Friend

    Nope. Still not fixed.

    I logged in and added a suggestion and assigned 3 points to it. (I had 89 points since all the other suggestions/points that I tested with were never returned)

    Then I went back an deleted the suggestion. But the 3 points were not returned to me.

    So, after all the test posts and the deletion of the test posts I now have only 86 points (out of 100)

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@bmtoth 173146 wrote:</em><blockquote>Nope. Still not fixed.

    I logged in and added a suggestion and assigned 3 points to it. (I had 89 points since all the other suggestions/points that I tested with were never returned)

    Then I went back an deleted the suggestion. But the 3 points were not returned to me.

    So, after all the test posts and the deletion of the test posts I now have only 86 points (out of 100)</blockquote>

    Hi Bmtoth,

    Could you please provide me url site and admin account for further investigation? We already checked this in my machine and it still works fine so we need take a look at your site directly.

    Thank you

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi guy,

    I have tested on the local and could see that it is still ok.
    So, please give me your URl and admin account for further check via http://support.joomlart.com/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=42474&departmentid=14&ticketstatusid=1

    bmtoth Friend


    So I decided to uninstall JA Voice completely from my site. I then went into the phpAdmin of my control panel and deleted all Ja Voice database items.

    I then downloaded the latest JA Voice version 1.3.3.

    I then installed JA Voice 1.3.3.

    And it’s not working again:
    1. When I submit an idea nothing happens (like it did in the very beginning)
    2. Again, with the points there seems to be an issue. Even though I have 100 points assigned to a specific JA Voice Type/Forum it says that when I’m logged in I only have 89. Why/how could this be if I deleted all the JA Voice database elements? or did I miss some? I deleted those that started with jav_

    Anyway, if you want to try and fix these elements you can access my site through the details I previously sent you. I’ll see if I can send them again.


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi guy,

    Please kindly download the latest version and reinstall.

    1. The first error is due to sql not updated into the database
    thus, go to phpmyadmin and run the followings:
    ALTER TABLE `#__jav_items` ADD `guest_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL AFTER `data` ;
    ALTER TABLE `#__jav_items` ADD `guest_email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL AFTER `guest_name` ;
    ALTER TABLE `#__jav_items` ADD `guest_file` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL AFTER `guest_email` ;
    ALTER TABLE `#__jav_items` ADD `guest_website` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL AFTER `guest_file` ;
    2. Error 2: after successful re-installation and voice posting, I will test again for you.

    bmtoth Friend

    Do you want me to re-download version 1.3.3?

    Cause that is the version I currently have installed and it’s not working with.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi guy,

    I have fixed the issue for you.
    After deletion, you must logout then you will see the deducted points.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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