I was very fond of the Ja Regulus template until I decided to check the Frontend User functions. If you select: Your Details, Submit News, or Submit Weblink under the User Menu or “Results” on Polls IE crashes with the following error message:
“AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: mshtml.dll
ModVer: 6.0.2900.2963 Offset: 000adc0f”
I have used 3 different machines and get the same result. It does not happen with Firefox. It is the only template on this Joomla installation that creates this error, I have tried 3 other templates, they all work OK.
The url is: http://twrtimes.com/joomla/, the pw and username is “admin”.
Does anyone know what the problem may be.
Thank you,
johnmck 🙂