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  • martinus Friend

    When running the Ja_Pollux I get the error sign in the bottom of the screen. It states that jasdl_activemenu isn’t defined…

    How to deal with this problem?

    Could it have something to do with the installation of Easygallery?

    If so, could anyone recommend another picture viewer…



    Hung Dinh Friend
    martinus Friend

    Hi again
    As you may know by know I’m trying to install a photo gallery in the context of JA_Pollux template.

    I tried a number of different plugins and components… But the seem to fail to open the pictures in the original size.

    I studied the different ways it acts. And I suspect that it is the slimbox that causes the problem. When I choose the default template of joomla there’s no problem. It opens on a grey transperent layer.

    When I go back to the pollux it opens in a new window with a white backeground…

    The last mambot I used was the Single image Gallery Plugin…

    Do you know – by any chance how to override the template in this question

    So that it will grab the slimbox…


    Hung Dinh Friend

    It’s a pity that I am not sure I can help with this issue because I am not very experienced with mentions components. However can you post your url so that others can have a look and may advise the solution

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 17 years, 9 months ago.

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