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  • woekerzee Friend

    There is a small problem with the styling of the JomSocial avatar popup. As expected, I though this problem is related to Jomsocial and submitted a support ticket on their forum. They told me this issue is not related to JomSocial, but to the template itself. Please check this screenshot for the conversation: http://prntscr.com/3xx33r

    So basically, the style of the avatar upload has been broken: http://prntscr.com/3x2dw2

    Could you please help me out to fix this issue?


    Nazario A Friend

    I could not access your site with credentials you provided. Please check gain.

    By default, JA Appolio doesn’t support JomSocial extension. Please try to switch to default template Jooma (beez3) then check again.

    If the problem still persists, you should contact JomSocial developer to get better help.

    If it works fine, pls PM me the URL, Admin and FTP credential of you site, I will investigate the root of issue.

    woekerzee Friend

    The login credentials have been updated, please check again. The template has been switched to the original theme (beez3) and the popup is working fine. Please check your pm, I sent you the credentials of the website. Thank you!

    woekerzee Friend

    Any updating regarding this topic?

    Nazario A Friend


    In this case, I just fixed it in your site. You can see in this file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css , I added this rule:

    #cWindowContentWrap {
    position: relative;

    Here is result: http://prntscr.com/4077pw

    Hope this helps

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 6 months ago.

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