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  • rubenpuertos Friend

    Well like you can see I have 2 question the first one is about a gallery that appears in this page
    but in the same page at the end have a mini comment forum where that I wrote a comment and I wish to know how can I make that works on my webpage.
    If exists any tutorial of how can I make that it works
    Thanks another time and greetings from SLP México

    jooservices Friend

    would you mind update me with your backend and ftp accesa than i can help you check it ?

    Phill Moderator

    I assume you are talking about the comment component at the end of pages such as this one?


    That is a premium comment component calle JA Comment. It is available to memners of the JAEC extensions club or to Developer members. The Portfolio template comes with specific styling for this component, but not the component itself.

    There are other comment components available on the JED but I do honestly feel JA Comment to be one of the best.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Phill 12 years, 11 months ago.

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