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  • pavit Moderator


    You can rename images with a sequential number into folder

    1) sl1-bg.png = background
    1.1) sl1-first.png = animation on first slideshow item

    2) sl2-bg.jpg = background
    2.1) sl2-first.png = animation on second slideshow item

    and so on for other images

    Hope it helps

    tabbus Friend

    Many thanks,

    Yes that’s what I’m doing, what I’d like to know is if and how they can be positioned on the slideshow.

    At the moment it seems there is just a default position, but I’m unaware of how to control this.


    pavit Moderator

    At the moment it seems there is just a default position, but I’m unaware of how to control this.

    It is managed via css using transition code all is managed via this file /templates/ja_sugite/css/mod_jaslideshowlite-custom.css you can look at each slide settings and modify it as you wish editing code in the file i mentioned above.

    Hope it helps

    krumz Friend

    So I have noticed that the only images that show in the slideshow module are the "bg" images. The images with "first" or "second" do not show in the module?

    I use the "second" as I like the position but notice on small devices it resizes to what looks like a 100×50 (?) image. I have looked at the css and have tried to change it but I’m not having much luck. Where can I change the dims of the image on small devices so it’s a little larger?

    The first three images are large because I can’t figure out how to fix this.

    Website: mdhfarms.com – I’m looking at this issue on my ipad (not the mini) it’s the fourth slide.

    Hope this makes sense.


    pavit Moderator

    I’m looking at this issue on my ipad (not the mini) it’s the fourth slide.

    Hi @krumz

    Could you provide a temp super user admin account to your backend ?

    In this way we can better look at your slideshow configuration and answer with a solution for your problem

    You can answer at this post as private reply

    krumz Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator

    Hi @krumz

    You applied wrong changes to the original mod_jaslideshowlite-custom.css file and layout for images was not working as should.

    I applied changes to your modified file to restore image layout in tablet view and it is working

    The first three images are large because I can’t figure out how to fix this.

    To show you original settings working fine also on mobile devices i restored the original css file and loaded same images as demo site, editing them and adding to them the correct class , you can copy settings from the test slideshow module i created and replicate into your slideshow module.

    If you prefer to use your settings then you should rename the file mod_jaslideshowlitemodifiedjoomlart-custom.css into mod_jaslideshowlite-custom.css and publish your Ja Slideshow module unpublishing the test module i created as example .

    krumz Friend

    Ah. I see my error. Thank you so much for helping me fix this.

    Just one other question, when the slideshow starts there is the default green color of the template, how can I change that color green of the slideshow to a different color?

    Thanks again for all your help.

    pavit Moderator

    when the slideshow starts there is the default green color of the template, how can I change that color green of the slideshow to a different color?

    Hi there

    You can add this to your custom.css file in this folder /templates/ja_sugite/css
    If you do not have already such file you need to create it from scratch

    .ja-slideshow {

    Best regards

    krumz Friend

    Hi pavit,

    Thanks so much. I didn’t have the "." in front. Works perfect!!

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  krumz 8 years, 9 months ago.

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