Hi, I am using this great template, and I have one question.
I want to use two positions from different layouts in the same page. So I want to use the default-content-left layout (using, overall, position 5 and 6) and features-intro-2 layout (the features-intro-2 position). So what I did was using the default-content-left layout and changing one position for the features-intro-2 position. So now I have the default-content-left layout with features-intro-2 position plus position 5 and 6.
But if you check http://avgleam.com/index.php/conciertos
you will see that features-intro-2 position is not what It should be: that grey box at the beginning instead of covering all the block and the typography is not the same.
So I guess I can not do this mixture but, what should I do if I want to use in the same page positions which belongs to other layouts. I see in the documentation how to create new positions, but I would like to add existing positions to one specific layout.