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  • Kevin Friend

    I found a two year old post that was talking about the ordering and that it would be fixed in the next version. Apparently this extension has not been updated since 3-3-2011 because the problem still exists. I create the packages and want them to be in the order that I create them (better yet would be the ability to sort them). However they are given an ID that is for no other reason a random number and not close to the order that I created them in. I require a specific order for these that make sense, EXAMPLE: From least costly to most or from least amount of posts to greatest.

    The other issue I am having with this is that I created all of them as Standard Job types but they are only accessible as Premium Job Types. In the frontend under Subscriptions if the user clicks “Buy Another Subscription” the page goes blank. If they click the link “Buy Featured Employer Package” under Featured Employer they have access to purchase the standard job package and the view of the three tabs (Posting Plan, Search Resumes and Featured Employer) and since I did not setup any packages for Featured Employer I would say that is the link that should be blank, not that any page should be blank and regardless of what link they click in this area the three tab page should appear for them to choose from, even an error would be better than the infamous blank page. I thought maybe clearing the job board cache may fix this but clicking that it says “No Cache Folder Found”.

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Earthrat,

    1. Could you send me that post? I will consider it and add that request into our product backlog.
    2. I think that is not problem. If you want to clear those pages, you could modify the page layout as normally.

    Kevin Friend

    Got off on other things and just now revisiting this problem. I dumped all the packages and tried to rebuild them from scratch. This extension does not let go of anything and is adding the new packages while simply adding up the package ID. I can deal with that but when I add a package I expect it to stay in the order I built it in but I have no control over that and when i save a new package it adds it in where ever it wants. Then there is no way to move items up or down the list so now I have a frontend that looks like a grade school student built.

    At this point I am not asking for modifications because this should have already been part of this feature. All I want to know is how on earth can I create these packages so they are in proper order based on my needs? I just want to be done with this extension so I can get back to websites that make sense.

    Kevin Friend

    I dumped everything and rebuilt the packages. It did put them in order of ID but when viewing on the front end they appear in random order. I tried to rearrange them in the database but that was a waste of time as well. Nothing about this makes any sense and just one more thing that is costing me money with this stupid extension!

    I mean really this thing is not even listing things in order of ID, title, amount or cost which are the only variables that it has. NOTHING about the order is consistent AT ALL! Very disturbing to say the least!!!

    Kevin Friend

    So I take it that because all my other questions have been answered and this one has not there is nothing I can do to show posting plans in the order I want them to? This is a huge oversight on the developers part because these packages are in most cases going to be progressive and when we cannot control how they are displayed that makes us look like idiots!

    Even if there was some logic as to why they are displayed like they are I could work around it but there is absolutely no logic what so every in how these are being sorted on the frontend.

    Kevin Friend

    I went into the table ja_posting_plans, cleaned it up, organized it so that everything was in the order that I need and still the packages refuse to line up in the order I need them to. Can someone PLEASE tell me what I need to do to get these to order the way I need them to? I paid entirely TO MUCH for this extension to be ignored!

    Fix this or dont, just tell me what I need to do to make it function and I will GLADLY go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Note: There was a column in the table called ordering and assuming logic I thought that setting the order there would work since all of them were set to 0 (which makes no sense since there is no parameter that uses them) and that was a waste of effort too.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Earthrat,

    I am sorry for this late reply. I think i have answered your questions somewhere.

    Now, back to this question, you could change the order as you wish by editing the query statement in file models/japosts.php

    [PHP]$query = ‘SELECT s.* FROM #__ja_posting_plans AS s WHERE s.published=1 ‘.$where.’ ORDER BY `type` ASC, ordering DESC’;[/PHP]

    You could change ” ordering DESC” to other field to get it sorted by price, value,…
    [PHP]$query = ‘SELECT s.* FROM #__ja_posting_plans AS s WHERE s.published=1 ‘.$where.’ ORDER BY `type` ASC, price DESC’;[/PHP]

    Hope this helps.


    Kevin Friend

    Thanks, this puts me on the right track and I changed ORDER BY ‘type’ to ‘title’. I am confused because the titles all start with a number but it is still not wanting to sort in order. What I have are packages that call the number of jobs they can post first and that order should read like this.


    However the order reads like this now.


    Where the logic appears to only take the first character and order by that. I need it to order so that it knows that 2 comes before 10. Any idea how that could work short of designing this differently?

    HeR0 Friend


    Please change ‘ORDER BY `type` ASC, ordering DESC’ to ‘ORDER BY `title` ASC’ . If it could not order, pm me ftp and admin account of your site, backup your site then I’ll try customize for you.


    Kevin Friend

    Thanks Her0, I am closing this as solved. The end problem is not the code but rather the way Apache reads the characters. It only counts the first character in the string and sorts by that. The only solution now is to change the way it reads to get the order the way you want it. What I now think I could do and should have done is sort by ID because that I can control in the database. I have changed the way it reads though and managed to get the sort order the way we need it.

    Thanks for all your help on this…

    I did not see a way to mark this as solved, is this something you need to do on your end?

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin 11 years, 3 months ago.

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