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  • mikeho1980 Friend

    The template look awesome.
    But do I have to wait for another countdown for the official release?

    Why don’t let the product passed the QC before the countdown?
    What is meaning of putting a countdown in the website?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    I know that the countdown should be meant for the official release, but I, MiCCAS and the dev team has been discussing about the testing and debug period for the whole afternoon and would like to make sure that the template should be out free of bug.

    It has been my bad making some confusion with the countdown, however we are all trying to provide you the best template out of the possible effort.

    Hope you will be patient till the next Monday 🙂 Let’s go shopping on Sunday then 😛

    teddirez Friend

    yeah gotta admit i was a little mislead by the timer assuming the download would be available but im happy to wait for a bug free version. We all learn and maybe next time make the announcement the demo is up and start the countdown to the downloadable version.
    Either way i’m still keen as mustard.

    nathanbohn Friend

    its a great template, but there is some new technology in it that needs some stress testing. some neat little doo-hickeys for ya.

    Michael Casha Friend

    Yeah, we do apologise for any inconvenience, in future the countdown will mean that it is for the official release version, and then again look on the bright side. You’ll definitely get the template in tune with the countdown, as the template should be ready a couple days before hand.

    mikeho1980 Friend

    Nothing wrong with a comprehensive testing, I really apprepriate it.

    I don’t like a countdown , because
    -the template is so attractive that everyone is ‘counting down’ together. Once the 00:00:00 comes the server will be heavily loaded
    -personally, I like surprise. I would rather like an email informing me, ‘You have a gift from Joomlart, the new template!”.:-*

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Now it’s fun time 🙂
    Thank you for your patience 🙂

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 17 years, 10 months ago.

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