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  • eurovision Friend

    Hello everybody,
    I would like to buy the template “Ja Nex” for joomla! 3.0. (News site template).
    I can not make a final decision about buying this product.
    I’m new beginner joomla user, But I have a technical sense.
    I’m afraid to buy this template, Because if I would have a problem managing the site how I’ll get her?

    If I buy this template and I am having a problem there who can help me?

    Another thing, is it possible to install to this template some addionally plugin that Allows to share my articles using the button “Share” for Facebook And to like my articles by clicking?

    If I buy the “Ja Nex” 3.0 joomla template is it comes with a manual that guide me how to manage or use with the template?

    Is the “Ja Nex” template for joomla 3.0 comes with a forum system? or i need to install module keuna?

    I hope to get a response as soon as possible,
    Thanks you!

    pavit Moderator

    Hi eurovision

    Nice to have you on Joomlart Forum – i will reply to your question and i hope to satisfy all

    <blockquote>If I buy this template and I am having a problem there who can help me?</blockquote>

    For every problem related to the template configuration or issues related you can post your requests in the dedicated Ja_Nex Forum
    Joomlart staff will reply to you with a solution for your issues or questions.

    <blockquote>is it possible to install to this template some addionally plugin that Allows to share my articles using the button “Share” for Facebook And to like my articles by clicking? </blockquote>

    You can install how many plug ins and modules you wish on the template clearly compatible with the Joomla 3 version installed

    <blockquote>If I buy the “Ja Nex” 3.0 joomla template is it comes with a manual that guide me how to manage or use with the template? </blockquote>

    After you purchased a JATC membership on Joomlart you will have access to a template userguide where is described step by step all the configuration used for the template as showed in the demo site .

    <blockquote>Is the “Ja Nex” template for joomla 3.0 comes with a forum system? or i need to install module keuna? </blockquote>

    The Ja_Nex version for Joomla 3 do not include the Kunena forum because the Kunena version for Joomla 3 is still in beta version
    The Ja_Nex quickstart version for Joomla 2.5 instead has it already included.

    We hope to have you soon in our community

    For any other question please don’t hesitate to ask here

    eurovision Friend

    Hello Pavit!
    thousand thanks for your response to my questions many!
    I think JATC Standard Membership is suitable for me, But before I would take it, I will ask a few more questions.

    Is it possible to purchase Extensions to Ja_Nex (Unrelated to the template), and Install the extension without damaging the site and content in Ja_Nex?

    Is it possible to buy modules or extensions on joomlart.com that running on “JA Fubix” and add them in
    them in JA_Nex?

    When I install the Ja_Nex version 2.5, can i upgrade to version 3.0 in the future without damaging the site’s content?

    Does Kunena is the most popular forum for Joomla?

    What is it “K2”?

    and finaly,

    Should I buy these two plams?: JATC Standard Membership and JAEC – Joomla Extensions Club?

    I notice that in JATC i can not deleted any copyrights, but if i join also JAEC – Joomla Extensions Club, It would be possible to
    remove the copyrights?

    if i join to JAEC club, and buy some Extensions or modules, It would be impertinence if I will need Help
    in Operations Expansion And ask questions in the appropriate forum for this?

    Thank you for your answers, They helped me a lot!

    pavit Moderator

    Hi eurovision

    <blockquote>Is it possible to purchase Extensions to Ja_Nex (Unrelated to the template), and Install the extension without damaging the site and content in Ja_Nex? </blockquote>

    Yes it’s possible to do , you can install all the extension needed.

    <blockquote>Is it possible to buy modules or extensions on joomlart.com that running on “JA Fubix” and add them in
    them in JA_Nex?</blockquote>

    Yes it’s possible.

    <blockquote>When I install the Ja_Nex version 2.5, can i upgrade to version 3.0 in the future without damaging the site’s content?</blockquote>

    Yes it’s possible to update to version for Joomla 3.0 — but i think since you are starting to develop a new site would be better to start with the Joomla 3.0 version.

    <blockquote>Does Kunena is the most popular forum for Joomla?</blockquote>

    Yes it’s one of the most used Forum, stable and simple to manage.

    <blockquote>What is it “K2”? </blockquote>

    K2 is probably the most used content replacement for Joomla integrating many features inside it take a look at the link to read more.

    <blockquote>Should I buy these two plams?: JATC Standard Membership and JAEC – Joomla Extensions Club? </blockquote>

    Instead you can buy the Developer Membership that allows you to access to all Joomlart’s products it include JATC and JAEC and you will have also the copyright removal .

    <blockquote>if i join to JAEC club, and buy some Extensions or modules, It would be impertinence if I will need Help
    in Operations Expansion And ask questions in the appropriate forum for this?</blockquote>

    No problems on this If you will join us, you will see how the Joomlart Forum became the best support forum of Joomla world
    Here you will receive always support for any type of request , you will have also a support ticket system to join for more complex an detailed support request.

    So now it’s up to you, Join joomlart membership and if you will change idea you can use the 7 days refund policy

    eurovision Friend

    Thanks for answers,
    I can tell you that I joined a moment ago!

    Now, Can you explain to me please about this?

    That’s mean that if I download one template, I cat remove copyright one time?

    JA Copyright Removal for 02 domain – the meaning is removal copyright for two templates?

    Am I Right?

    Thank you!

    1. image
    pavit Moderator


    First to purchase any of them please take a look at this article

    The Copyright Removal must be purchased for each site (license) that it will be executed on.

    All customers must enter their websites’ URL where the Software is being (or will be) used.

    The URL can be submitted in the Member Area of JoomlArt.com.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 11 years, 9 months ago.

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