Bonjour my favorite Joomla forum,
My site is displaying some flash slideshows, through a module called Simple Image Holder.
Works fine.
The problem is:
the position does not show until it’s fully loaded. With slow connections, it leaves a long blank space in the article. People think nothing will happen and leave.
Here is a sample code of an article. Here, “apropos” refers to the Simple Image Holder Module.
<h2><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva;">Pour en savoir plus au sujet de Prokläm, visionnez ce court diaporama.</span></h2>
<p><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva;">{loadposition apropos}</span></p>
QUESTION: Is there a way I could insert a preloading bar during the {loadposition} process?
I found a .gif preloader generator ( Would it be possible to insert that animated .gif image just before the loading process is completed? What would be the hacking code?
Hope I’m clear!