I want to create a new header image (logo.jpg) to replace the default one.
I did several tests with sizes when it comes to create the final jpg file.
The problem is that no matter what size (resolution => x * y pixels) I create my images, when I look at my site in the web browser, the image of the header always gets resized to a bigger size (probably 50% more I would say) which is very annoying cause I loose the original precision/quality of the image with such automatic ‘zoom’. I’m using IE6 – is it only a side effect with IE6 or with any browser? Even the default logo.jpg that comes with the template (which is 370 x 41) gets resized (either on my joomla site or even with the live demo of Regulus on the Joomlart site).
Is there a way to prevent this, I definitely would like to preserve the original resolution and quality of my images? :((
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!