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  • pa1hr Friend

    Arvind Chauhan: PLEASE design a modern and good looking Teline II for Joomla 3.x!!!

    daniela62 Friend

    I like this template, because I like the overall idea to combine together video and pictures (as it’s been already done with Platon and Events II) even when we don’t build a website about movies and music.
    So please follow this path and improve this template…. I can’t wait to download it!!!!!

    dieudonne Friend


    dark theme is looking very great, very beautifull.

    Thank for the work.


    dieudonne Friend

    And of course if we can use K2 with this template… it’ll be amazing !!

    Colegio San Eduardo Friend

    I’d be great if it’ll have K2 support.

    aardcom Friend

    Hard to give an opinion on this, without more details but it is good to see a new news template, considering that was what Joomlart excelled at with Teline versions. This looks interesting although I think it would be nice to introduce a more interesting landing/home page. Something that showcased feature articles, the date, some headlines. I hate scrolling down through a neverending list of articles/images and prefer relevant sections, like local, world, sports, finance etc. I’m sure it is there just not as prominent as it should be.

    Also don’t forget advertising modules, banners which are a required essential for news or magazine style site. Maybe a directory component for business listings or classified ads.

    dspe Friend

    & They’re BAAAAAACK!

    I can work with this :)… VERY NICE!

    Homepage are modules?

    • so we can remove those unused

    K2 & K2 filter support?would be nice too.
    J2Store maybe?


    Thank you JA team!

    dspe Friend

    Good points @aardcom !

    I take it homepage is modules so we can include Ad space via modules.

    Builder working with this theme?


    Hard to give an opinion on this, without more details but it is good to see a new news template, considering that was what Joomlart excelled at with Teline versions. This looks interesting although I think it would be nice to introduce a more interesting landing/home page. Something that showcased feature articles, the date, some headlines. I hate scrolling down through a neverending list of articles/images and prefer relevant sections, like local, world, sports, finance etc. I’m sure it is there just not as prominent as it should be.

    Also don’t forget advertising modules, banners which are a required essential for news or magazine style site. Maybe a directory component for business listings or classified ads.

    tishelpdesk42 Friend

    Hi Guys,

    I do believe that JoomlArt can create more professional templates than the ones being developed now. Please think again for changing this template as already you have JA Taline V which is the best News/Magazine template. I do recommend you to create either an educational, blog, or business templates which are mostly needed by all customers nowadays.

    Good Luck
    Ahmad Moussa

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Thanks guys for the valuable feedback. I talked to the team and we will include

    1. K2
    2. Social feeds layout
    3. Additional typography blocks to enhance homepage

    and we are considering adsense integration using available 3rd party extension or we develop one for the purpose.

    Looking forward to more feedback from members.



    Aratype Friend

    What could k2 bring to a mag? K2 is an almost dead project!

    Phill Moderator

    What could k2 bring to a mag? K2 is an almost dead project!

    While I have never been a fan of K2 myself, a lot of people do use it and each month there are always a lot of requests for K2 styling and support. It would be nice if we had some of the things that K2 brings, such as sharing an article via social share buttons, and a nice author information box. However all those are easy to add via other methods. At the moment, K2 does still seem very popular and despite the excellent tool JA have built to assist migration, people still find it hard to break away and return to native Joomla.

    romello Friend

    I’m in the group that really like this template!

    This template is excellent and I see many possibilities. The template should not be too over designed or "exciting" … the users artwork, graphics and content should be exciting.

    What I would like to see is:

    1. More default module positions above the main menu.
    2. Larger default logo designs / and positions.

    (Perhaps this is possible with the sitebuilder… I confess I haven’t tried it yet)

    Looking forward to this template!

    Thank you JA

    vecdom Friend

    Thank you for these!

    Seeing that you’re including k2 it will worth it for me to wait on this template for the upcoming projects.

    Do you have an eta on the release at this time?


    Thanks guys for the valuable feedback. I talked to the team and we will include

    1. K2

    2. Social feeds layout

    3. Additional typography blocks to enhance homepage

    and we are considering adsense integration using available 3rd party extension or we develop one for the purpose.

    Looking forward to more feedback from members.



    felix1 Friend

    Instead of K2 maybe you could include the newly developed and very promising Power Content?


    Felix Rimfrost

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 53 total)

This topic contains 52 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  Arvind Chauhan 8 years ago.

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