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  • Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    The Pokemon template concept has been cancelled in view of the feedback from members. The screenshot links are still available incase you wish to see what was planned.

    The reasons and next steps are detailed in this thread. Please follow the same and vote for templates you would wish to see us work on.

    enter image description here

    JA pokemon screenshots :

    itprisma Friend

    there was a time, i took joomlart and his templates serious. a long time ago since they made template that i can show my customers…. and i have developer account….

    its a pitty

    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi Arvind,

    Is this template going to be useable for anything other than Pokemon GO?

    I like the pokedex details page, so if this could be used for anything other than pokemon it may be interesting.

    Pokemon GO is lame, check out hololens if you’re interested in augmented or mixed reality gaming.

    I feel like this template is for fan boys and is absolutely useless to 99.999% of your user base.


    jan007 Friend

    Can you also create a template we want to use this month? Do you have any idea what commercial customers need? This template is complete useless. Shame on you.

    felix1 Friend

    I’m also disapointed to see this Template. Earlier, when Joomlart asked us customers what we wanted to see in future Template releases, we where many of us who wanted a soccer/football/sport club Template. I wonder if Joomlart will ever listen to us?

    Felix Rimfrost

    James G Friend

    What a ridiculous monthly template.

    A complete kick in the balls for developer members.

    If you was going to offer this then this should of been a bonus template offered that people could buy.

    Absolutely no way should this have been a monthly template.

    JoomlArt stooping to a new low.

    You asked what templates users wanted and are just ignoring them.

    Provide users and developers what they want. Sport templates, Restaurant templates, Construction templates just a couple which are far more useful for developers.

    itprisma Friend

    last template was: "intranet" …whats that ? we want make inTERnet, not inTRAnet. and this month, pokemon…. whats next ? scoobidoo ?

    we have customers have to design professional templates for them. this is just a joke, notiung more.

    in this way, i would buy my templates on themeforest, and other sources.

    are pretty expensive, therefore we expected quality

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    @itprisma @gringo211985 feedback noted. Lets see what others have to say. We will proceed with what’s in interest of our members.



    k2joom Friend

    I got the email and thought, oh my what are they thinking of.

    Hopefully the team sees sense and also release a demo with mainstream content as a dedicated Pokemon only template is going to put people off.

    tineto Friend

    They say that this game gives access to those interested in other people’s lives and it’s not hard to believe it. So may be we shouldn’t make it more and more popular.

    Thanks for the otherwise great work and efforts for the Joomla! community!


    cinematography Friend

    Mmm. Must agree with the developers comments. This is a themed template designed for a specific purpose – riding on a popular trend which serious business laugh at.

    It is not a template which is easy for other purposes,

    Please listen to your customers.

    We customers expect more useful monthly releases,

    Makes me not happy 🙁

    yorky Friend

    Please guys use your brains and come with brand new ideas. JA Pokeman may be fun for some but not for serious customers.
    Hope september will bring us a breathtaking template.

    brenot Friend

    I can´t understand the path that JOOMLART is going….

    Once you have Excelent Ideas , like ACM , and UBER proposal, you abandon this usefull things and instead of develop this things , usefull things.. You are doing things totally useless and disconnected of the members desires and needs…

    vizionz Friend

    Like really did anyone actually think this through ?> a gaming template sure a sports template sure. but a specific template for one game. This should never been planned for a template club. and more a secondary build you could sell elsewhere. for anyone who would actually care. it would be a nice template to your portfolio but as part of the template club shakes head!

    amejat Friend

    To my opinion, there is only one thing interesting in the template: the Pokedex, IF and ONLY IF it can be customized for other uses.

    I could easily imagine to have a page for team member, and then a presentation for each team member without leaving the page. But that means that all fields in the "pokemon" form should be customizable.

    If the "Pokedex" is limited to Pokemon… Honestly, Joomlart guies, stop making templates and go chasing Pokemons.

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