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September 2, 2014 at 1:46 pm #547967Yes, are there some news about a future dedicated news template, with K2 support (maybe JA Teline V) ?
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September 2, 2014 at 3:13 pm #547972It’s an interesting conversation, and as I pointed out earlier, one which happened last year. Remember feedback means your customers are talking to you – inter-acting with you which is what the web is all about! Let’s keep it positive. (Would be good to see feedback from the whole JA internal team not just Arvind.)
As it seems to be going in a circle perhaps JA needs to really define their customer base because THEY are the key to this.
As has been mentioned numerous times, both T3 blank and Purity III are brilliant FREE templates. For hard-core developers, those who are comfortable rewriting com_content for /html/ overrides effectively, these templates are all they need. Why pay when you have an excellent base plus a skill set that allows you to jump in with both feet?
Are these people your main customers? I’d wager not judging by the forums.
So who DOES pay for membership to a template club – any template club? And why?
Firstly those with no knowledge or skill who need a website quickly. If people didn’t buy based on the look and feel of a template why do places like themeforest exist and why in fact do template clubs exist? Why don’t we all just use beez3?
Not everyone has the creativity, the vision, the skills, and the time to build the ‘xx’ template that they WANT. Hey, let’s look through what’s out there, looks how I want, fits my needs, suits me to do a little editing, fill in my content and I’m away. Thanks, that’s worth $50. Where do I pay?
Then there are those who have a go-to-it attitude, maybe a base knowledge of CSS etc and will gladly edit, play and hack a template they have bought (bought as in PAID for it). They’ll invest time in making changes with help from the forum. See ‘making changes’ NOT ‘writing code’. Whether they buy a Developer Membership or JATC Standard, I’ll bet they make up the bulk of your customers. And these guys want – no need – a good base to work from. Some have vision, some do not. Some will use it as a base, some will just add their content without changing, or wanting to change, a single line of code.
Now, if these guys are your intended customer base, then you’re going to have to listen to them and deliver for them. Yep, they want it easy. They want you guys to have the creativity, add some great functionality, some extra modules, do the grunt work, test it, add pretty pictures and then they can make it their own. They’ll even happily give you good money for it too. I do and at the Developer rate! Seems quite a few others do too. (Would love to see the stats breakdown)
If you want the high paying ‘Developer’ members or to tempt people who spend that level in a year give them something back. Give them value for money. THEIR perception of value for money not JA’s. Some simple stuff. Consistent code across templates, stunning design (Tiris, Orisite, Wall, Lens, Teline etc) and JA only extras (smartaddons do 14 modules for joomshopping, 31 for virtue mart, 12 for hikashop, 28 for K2, 17 for Sobipro as an example – these make people subscribe!).
Instead of just adding css for one component why not add for two? Seriously. I have an Orisite with css for both joomshopping AND virtuemart. A Tiris with joomshopping AND Redshop. How cool is that – I get to pick which component I install. Thanks JA!
As an aside, Purity III is the only 2014 JA template I’ve used this year. I’m currently doing a build on Fixel so 1 membership template all year for my Developer fee. I’m happy to pay but only if I can get inspiration and excellence from JA. Otherwise I’ll have to up my skill set, learn a lot more php and make use of the free T3 stuff along with using templates from other clubs.
Just remember that paying customers are fickle. Especially on the Internet. They bend with the wind. The art to having a successful business is to be ahead of these or to change quickly as the wind changes. I know you may be short of resources, you may have lots on your plate with developing T3 etc. Yootheme do too but UIKit (5 stars) and Pagekit (that will be interesting) this year on top of some pretty good monthly templates (although some of theirs are also same same) and they have a German cost base!
Come on guys you are better than this. If you want to be the best you have to aim high. I joined because you were the best. Prove me right please!
So who’s the customer base and what’s the business model for JA?
Anyway that’s my 67 cents worth. Thanks for reading what is quite a long post.
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September 2, 2014 at 3:52 pm #547975<em>@tfosnom 443838 wrote:</em><blockquote>
I havent seen that poll followed very closely. Seems anything you can throw together is thrust upon us then when challenged or criticised we have ppl like TOM falling back on the oft used “cant please all of the ppl etc and agree to disagree” chestnut he always throws up.Shannon</blockquote>
And how is/are my comments any more/less valid than yours or anyone else’s, Shannon?
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September 2, 2014 at 5:51 pm #547994<em>@TomC 443851 wrote:</em><blockquote>Gee Shannon, I wasn’t aware that it was a foregone mandate that 100% of everyone must be satisfied with 100% of everything 100% of the time. Apparently, seeing as you’re so bothered by my comment, you fancy yourself infallible and able to successfully please 100% of those whom you come into contact with 100% of the time.
Tell us, how does it feel to be absolutely perfect in every way, Shannon?</blockquote>Yes, JoomlArt, “can not please everyone.” Nobody can do it. End point.
But JoomlArt can listen to our criticisms, suggestions and tips without convincing us that we are wrong. And that’s what Tomc is doing…Tomc, learn to receive criticism and suggestions. For as JoomlArt can not please everyone. JoomlArt can not always be right
And I no longer answer it because it is very tiring to argue with you because you always have an answer for everything and not able to accept criticism. I am very sorry for you
If someone criticizes it because it is not satisfied. This is normal. Why try to convince her she’s wrong ???
And when we give suggestions, not because we think that our tips are brilliant, it’s just a way to share ideas
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September 2, 2014 at 6:02 pm #547998<em>@pedrox 443877 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes, JoomlArt, “can not please everyone.” Nobody can do it. End point.
But JoomlArt can listen to our criticisms, suggestions and tips without convincing us that we are wrong. And that’s what Tomc is doing… </blockquote>Please quote me where I have said that you – or anyone – is “wrong” and/or where I have written that constructive criticism is unwelcome. IN FACT, I have repeatedly called for a constructive discussion throughout this discussion.
<em>@pedrox 443877 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tomc, learn to receive criticism and suggestions. [/quote]
Words to live by, would you not agree pedrox?
<em>@pedrox 443877 wrote:</em><blockquote>
For as JoomlArt can not please everyone. JoomlArt can not always be right</blockquote>Again, nowhere have I ever stated anything proclaiming that “JoomlArt is always right” – nowhere.
Please stop putting words in my mouth I have neither written nor implied.
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September 2, 2014 at 6:28 pm #548004<em>@TomC 443881 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please quote me where I have said that you – or anyone – is “wrong” and/or where I have written that constructive criticism is unwelcome. IN FACT, I have repeatedly called for a constructive discussion throughout this discussion.
Words to live by, would you not agree pedrox?
Again, nowhere have I ever stated anything proclaiming that “JoomlArt is always right” – nowhere.
Please stop putting words in my mouth I have neither written nor implied.</blockquote>
“Unfortunately, you can not please all the people all of the time…. Lot of people asked for a” better “model portfolio, while others ask for a” better “business model, etc, etc, etc. Be sure to JA development team is trying their best to accommodate as many requests as reasonably possible within its development already packed schedules and resolve the issue. ”
A good example of an unnecessary and arrogant comment from someone who does not know how to receive criticism
“^ agree to disagree”
The height of arrogance
“I’m sorry, but you are quite incorrect in your personal interpretation of my disagreement with your expressed opinion as to the quality of JoomlArt’s work and development efforts. Just because someone disagree’s with your opinion on an issue, it does not translate into “absolute convictions” and/or disdain for those offering additional ideas and/or suggestions. It merely means that I disagree with your opinion as to the “lack of creativity” and/or your personal opinion that “JoomlArt is just here to take your money …”
The problem is that you’re mixing things up. Where did I say that “JoomlArt is just here to take your money” ?
As a moderator, you need to understand that their useless and arrogant responses lead to this type of unnecessary and useless discussion
I feel shame for this thread and I apologize to all
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September 2, 2014 at 6:38 pm #548006Can we bring this thread back on topic now and end the little tiff going on?
As Arvind stated, the Dev team are working hard on this template based on comments in this thread. The same happens most months, when comments are made in the preview thread changes are often made based on that. Sometimes simple changes such as increasing the available logo area, other times more complex additions such as adding K2 support all based on users requests. There have been cases in the past where Hung has rejected templates the devs have designed as he felt they were “simply not good enough”. The devs were sent away by teacher to start again.
In this case a lot of work is going on. Rest assured that you are all being listened to and your comments are all taken on board.
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September 2, 2014 at 6:40 pm #548008<em>@pedrox 443888 wrote:</em><blockquote>
A good example of an unnecessary and arrogant comment from someone who does not know how to receive criticism . . . </blockquote>“Agree to Disagree” is “the height of arrogance?” . . . Really? . . . Really?
So, using YOUR logic, anyone who disagrees with you is “arrogant” and “does not know how to take criticism?”
You’ve said your peace and made your feelings/criticisms known . . . . several times . . . . Thank You. As clearly expressed by Arvind above, the JA Development Team has been reviewing this discussion thread and is very aware of the criticisms – constructive and otherwise – as to JA Jason. Instead of continuing to perpetuate an unnecessary antagonistic situation, please allow the JA Devs to absorb/discuss the information and suggestions presented and, likewise, endeavor to move forward and discuss development of future projects based on the expressed suggestions.
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September 2, 2014 at 6:53 pm #548010<em>@phill luckhurst 443889 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can we bring this thread back on topic now and end the little tiff going on?
As Arvind stated, the Dev team are working hard on this template based on comments in this thread. The same happens most months, when comments are made in the preview thread changes are often made based on that. Sometimes simple changes such as increasing the available logo area, other times more complex additions such as adding K2 support all based on users requests. There have been cases in the past where Hung has rejected templates the devs have designed as he felt they were “simply not good enough”. The devs were sent away by teacher to start again.
In this case a lot of work is going on. Rest assured that you are all being listened to and your comments are all taken on board.</blockquote>
And that’s all that really matters. And that is precisely why I still believe in JoomlArt. When I met JoomlArt, there are six years, I was fascinated with the templates … And my first template was JA Quillaja. And I’d like to have that magic back…
http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/templates/ja-quillaja3 users say Thank You to pedrox for this useful post
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September 2, 2014 at 7:26 pm #548015<em>@mmmkz86 443901 wrote:</em><blockquote>hi tomC
you better listen to customers and try to fulfill their needs and wishes
this argues help no-one man</blockquote>Just so you are aware, TomC, myself and most ofher other supporters/moderators are not employees of JA as such. Instead we help out on the forums etc. It has a few advantages and also helps us learn, but when it comes to business decisions we are simply users like yourselves.
We have been here many years and really enjoy what JA do. Hung and Arvind are real stars with a great passion for what they do, same goes for their dedicated team of devs and designers. It is that passion that has kept most of us here.
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September 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm #548022<em>@pedrox 443894 wrote:</em><blockquote>And that’s all that really matters. And that is precisely why I still believe in JoomlArt. When I met JoomlArt, there are six years, I was fascinated with the templates … And my first template was JA Quillaja. And I’d like to have that magic back…
http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/templates/ja-quillaja</blockquote>i agree to a limit there.
Joomlart was always on leading edge of the design and innovation when it comes to templating. but and a big but, in recent year or so, ever since ja teline iv they have not put any template that is worthy of the above statement.
First i would like to say that templates are exactly that, templates, and out of the box they work as intended, but joomlart was always step ahead, with theiir customized modules, with plugins etc, and that magic has been absent totally.
If you think about it you can use any template they make and make it into any site, so all this talk about portfolio, shopping etc is bull…..
the point to make here is for joomlart to go back to basics, to look at joomla, and see what they can do with it. how can they present any content there, how to redesign, reinvent their numerous modules, how to incorporate the functionality of joomlas different systems into their modules and manipulate the content to present it in a way that people will be wowed once again.
The current path they are heading is just going to abys. NO innovation, template all made on the same cut. with pretty pictures. here and there one or two modules added or redesigned.
hell make all joomla modules obsolete and give the community something to come here for. use the most popular extensions out there and make skins for them.
AND ABOVE all, optimize T3 Framework so we can exclude the calls to the double css/less files, to cut down to the performance penalties. optimize it to the teeth so when we use it we know why we using it. It has the possibilities to be best out there but for gods sake optimize it. every template you put out calls to the system css/less and from template and from the T3 plugin. And there are other ways you can do this to clear that <head> area make it more streamlined and optimized.
I have tons of ideas and so little time what you could do.. so i hope this is a start.
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September 3, 2014 at 1:21 pm #548149<em>@TomC 443851 wrote:</em><blockquote>And how is/are my comments any more/less valid than yours or anyone else’s, Shannon?</blockquote>
Where do I say Tom C s comments are not valid or mine or any other members are more valid? Please quote the post?
I am truely sorry if you feel put out by my reference to your customary responses, which are used so much it’s sort of your trademark. As Phil mentions you are just a member elevated to moderator nothing more, so don’t get too defensive and question every reference to your stock phraseology
Also I am fallible like everyone else and please post the relevant post where I claim to be 100% right all the time, and able to please 100% of the ppl. I searched all my posts over years and still can’t find that post where I make that claim. 🙂
Tom you never seem to listen to the comments we make, just pick the negatives like my comment you always refer to “cant please all” et al. A template is a starting place Etc.
It just seems that’s your std response to just about anything, as if you are tired or bored of hearing any sort of criticism or the same type of criticism.
All I want to know about is the direction JA is taking re templates. We answered a poll, got maybe two templates based on that poll ( according to total votes made fro that category) then it seems the poll was not followed anymore, leaving me and possibly others wondering why ask us what we want if ja does not take that information and use it to supply the desired templates.
You or Phil, in Arvind or Hungs absence never bothered to answer that question of mine, You chosse to berate me and take issue with my comments while leaving a valid question unanswered.
Are you a moderator and support person or a truck driver, moderation is not just erasing or censuring posts it is replying to them in a decent manner while being helpful and answering the question being asked.
Me? I admit time & time again, I want a template to use as is, I replace dummy content with my own and only the barest of uniqueness via css changes as necessary. I dont have the time or skills and dont want to learn more than the little I know
thats why I buy templates.I make no claims to fame other than I know what designs (category) I wish to see in the future. A church site, a charity ( org) site, a modern responsive improvement on Teline V
That’s why I am here, I don’t have a need for 6 similar portfolio sites or 5 very similar shopping carts, I have enough of those because like all members i do dl each mths template wether i need it now or not. So I have the full 12 mths range of templates to choose from.
Now move my post to another thread or forum if it’s so far removed from the JA Jason preview topic, however if so move Swissa and others as well, as this has become a discussion on JA using feedback and directions
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September 3, 2014 at 1:42 pm #548152<em>@tfosnom 444054 wrote:</em><blockquote>
All I want to know about is the direction JA is taking re templates. We answered a poll, got maybe two templates based on that poll ( according to total votes made fro that category) then it seems the poll was not followed anymore, leaving me and possibly others wondering why ask us what we want if ja does not take that information and use it to supply the desired templates.You or Phil, in Arvind or Hungs absence never bothered to answer that question of mine, You chosse to berate me and take issue with my comments while leaving a valid question unanswered.</blockquote>
It is not something we can answer, that is why you have no response. We are not based in VN with the team and outside of the forums (in Skype etc) we try and stick to support issues, that is what we are interested in. What I can say is JA have and always will listen. The polls were taken on board but it takes more than a few months to realise the ideas outlined there. Things are constantly being worked on and templates can take months to become a reality.
<em>@tfosnom 444054 wrote:</em><blockquote>
Are you a moderator and support person or a truck driver, moderation is not just erasing or censuring posts it is replying to them in a decent manner while being helpful and answering the question being asked.</blockquote>We are here for support. We try our best to help with other questions but it would be wrong of us to speak about JA policies which is why we do not. All we can do is offer our opinion. Do not take offence to that and please do not make your comments personal, that is sometimes how they are coming across. Let’s just stick to friendly banter.
<em>@tfosnom 444054 wrote:</em><blockquote>Me? I admit time & time again, I want a template to use as is, I replace dummy content with my own and only the barest of uniqueness via css changes as necessary. I dont have the time or skills and dont want to learn more than the little I know thats why I buy templates.
I make no claims to fame other than I know what designs (category) I wish to see in the future. A church site, a charity ( org) site, a modern responsive improvement on Teline V</blockquote>
Maybe let your membership lapse then and re-join if there is something of interest to you. IMHO, there have been plenty of templates suitable for a church or charity site in the last 12 months.
<em>@tfosnom 444054 wrote:</em><blockquote>That’s why I am here, I don’t have a need for 6 similar portfolio sites or 5 very similar shopping carts, I have enough of those because like all members i do dl each mths template wether i need it now or not. So I have the full 12 mths range of templates to choose from.</blockquote>
The shopping carts vary immensely and are based on different extensions. Added to that, you do not need to used the shopping element, they have all been designed with a lot more besides. Same goes for your so called portfolio templates, all have multiple uses.
<em>@tfosnom 444054 wrote:</em><blockquote>Now move my post to another thread or forum if it’s so far removed from the JA Jason preview topic, however if so move Swissa and others as well, as this has become a discussion on JA using feedback and directions</blockquote>
Feel free to start a thread. If you do start a new thread keep it on topic with no personal insults, or those will be deleted too.
Any new posts here that are not discussing the preview of JA Jason I shall delete, this thread has turned into a slanging match and that needs to stop now.
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September 4, 2014 at 12:48 pm #548283<em>@phill luckhurst 444057 wrote:</em><blockquote>Feel free to start a thread. If you do start a new thread keep it on topic with no personal insults, or those will be deleted too.
Any new posts here that are not discussing the preview of JA Jason I shall delete, this thread has turned into a slanging match and that needs to stop now.</blockquote>
That’s right! excuse my bad Inglés, I speak Spanish.
The discucion is on Theme JA Jason and all criticism should be constructive.
Joomlart be a family where all proposed and listen for the benefit of all.I do not agree with the new Jason JA Portfolio unless either Multi purpose, I mean you have several options HOME, BLOG K2, etc.
Multi purpose is better for everyone.
I became a member Joomlart because at that time they were the best, the challenge is to keep up, this should be your commitment to all members of JA.
Hopefully they can incorporate all orders of its members.
Thank you!
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