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  • sbaldwin Friend

    I cannot seem to be able to put an image into this Article? The article is in Article /Blog format . No matter what size I make the image it still screws up and makes a mess of the article. I also went in and looked into the “resize” folder and could not find any images there for this article. Can I not put in an IMAGE for article/blog? Thank you for helping!
    SEE: http://webstercommunity.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=18

    Phill Moderator

    Have you check the permissions for the images/stories/demo/writers directory?

    sbaldwin Friend

    I took a look at the permissions and the directory it the same as the other images I use. I don’t see the image in the “re-size” folder for writer so not sure what’s going on. :confused:
    Anything else I could check…thanks for any help!

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Phill,
    When I took another look at the code that is showing up over the article I’m wondering if somehow the helper.php file permissions somehow got changed on the server side?

    The code looks like it cannot open to the Helper.php file located in mod_janews?
    failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/websterc/public_html/modules/mod_janews/helper.php
    my file permissions are rw–r–r I don’t see exicute at all for user, group or other.

    if you get a moment could you check yours to compare? Thanks! This has me dumb founded! :confused:

    sbaldwin Friend

    OK, The good guys at JA said to make sure my JPEG image was named all lowercase as Linux server handles it differently. That fixed it! I re-named the image to all lowercase letters and it worked!

    Just thought I’d pass this along, thanks-

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sbaldwin 15 years, 10 months ago.

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