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  • danipotter Friend


    I just update the Joomla version of my site and as well the Uber template and I got the following issues:

    1. list text hereIn the update section still show the notice to update the Uber Template, and in the template section says its ok the last update.

    2. when i go the extension manager component, http://fm-la.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_jaextmanager it says The fm-la.com page isn’t working, I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?

    3. When I try to install something it show the Joomla Installer for any Uber sample site again, it say to enable the plugin installation manager, and the installer is on, is ok

    Please help me with this to make my updates easy.

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-12-16-at-11.04.23-AM
    2. Screen-Shot-2016-12-16-at-11.09.24-AM
    danipotter Friend

    I have got some problems as weel with the J ACM and JA Masshead. they are now working propperly


    danipotter Friend


    Saguaros Moderator


    I just checked your site and saw that it’s not working: http://prntscr.com/dl4kh3

    Do you have any backup for your site? pls try to restore it.

    Then let me know the steps you proceed to upgrade. pls make sure that all 3rd party extensions on your site must support new update Joomla version first.


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I spent a lot of time on your site to debug this issue And found the issue is due to Joomla update. The default Joomla installer was removed and JA Installer was enabled so you are getting Demo site install options.
    I installed the Default Joomla installed via Extension > Manage > Discover Tab. And enabled the installer plugin: http://prntscr.com/dl5dvz Now you can see the Joomla installer: http://prntscr.com/dl5eh6

    Error 500: This error comes because in past you have Virtualmart and tcpdf component on your site and these extensions were not completely removed since I Found them on your site and when I set the error report to Maximum it showing the error is from Component tcpdf(Maybe installed version not ready for latest Joomla).
    I installed the tcpdf and then removed it from your site. Now you can see your live site is again working fine: http://prntscr.com/dl5fzx

    JA Extension manager : I installed latest version of JA Extension manager and now its working fine .

    Please note: Always take full backup of site before updating site Joomla and check the compatibility of extension/templates. Also, do not play with your live sites.


    danipotter Friend

    Pankaj Sharma

    I really thanks the work that you have done in my website, I really dont know whats the issue with virtue mart, i have never used in this template.

    please give chance to check the whole site and I will get back to you asap so you can close the post

    I really appreciate this

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You are welcome !

    danipotter Friend


    Hello, I´m still having problems with the template, when I do click on any module, for example I do click on the first module "Container About" and the screen dissapear completly, please have a look. Im trying to unistall the virtue mart could you please help me getting rid of it, and in the update extension ir continue show old version updates and they are aleready updated expamel the uber template show insatlled 2.03 and it working with the updated version 2.15

    Please help

    1. Screen-Shot-2017-01-04-at-4.05.09-PM
    2. Screen-Shot-2017-01-04-at-4.05.15-PM
    danipotter Friend


    Mate, the site is working funny, I dont know wahts happening Im creating new items on the megamenu and does not work, some content in the english section does not work eithe erro 404 and the content is there I really donw know what is happening.

    Please help

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    For different topic please create a new thread. Add site details for staff with problem description.
    This thread is for different matter that is already solved.

    danipotter Friend

    I did thanks

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