<em>@lucia33 231536 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey you sorry but this template has thousands of errors, giving me a lot of headaches, now I have a bug that occurs in Last updateT3_DATE_FORMAT_LASTUPDATE, another error occurs similia plugin photo galleries, in the creation of items not link can be placed with images because unconfigures, Im really disappointed in this. I need someone to help me solve these problems.>:(</blockquote>
what do you want to display instead of this text T3_DATE_FORMAT_LASTUPDATE . The last updated time ?
If so time do the following
Go to this file /public_html/plugins/system/jat3/core/common.php
Replace the following code
return strftime (JText::_('T3_DATE_FORMAT_LASTUPDATE'), $sec+$tz);
return gmdate("h:i:s A", $sec+$tz).' GMT';