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  • edd Friend

    I have a problem installing this Teline V template.
    I’m installin it with the “quickstart”.
    In fact the installation stuck on the first step.
    My hosting uses php 5.4
    I have two other sites running with joomla 3.x JA templates
    So, I just would like to know if there is any issue?
    I have installed a new template, and uploaded one by one, each folder…

    Thanks for help you can bring me

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>So, I just would like to know if there is any issue?</blockquote>

    There are no issues with JA_TelineV quickstart , if it doesn’t install correcty most probably is due to your hosting configuration, you should verify expecially timeout for db connection.

    edd Friend

    Hi there,
    I contacted my hosting and I had an answer:

    It is not possible to install the JA TELINE V in my hosting because the system equirements:

    In fact it is about the data base:
    MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+

    My hosting support the MySQL 5.0 and nothing about InnoDB

    Ok, I can understand that.

    What I don’t understand is that I’m running two other sites in the same hosting on joomla 3.x, using these templates:
    one with JA DECOR and the other with JA MITIUS.
    Both of them on the system requirements needs the same MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+ .



    So, why Mitius and Decor works perfectly right on my hosting if they need MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+ and the TELINE V is not possible to install and stucks on the first step?

    I could understand if when I’m installing the TELINE V I go from step 1 to Step 2, and when it ask me about the data base it shows a message saying : “not compatible” or any other message.
    But the fact is that it just sutcks there on step one, with out any message, nothing…

    So, please, can some one explain me or confirm if it is necessary the MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+ for Mitius and Decor?

    – If so, why I can install them with out problem on my server and I have problems installing the TELINE V.

    -If dont, can someone explain me why you put on the system requirement for Mitius and Decor that the MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+ is necessary?


    edd Friend

    Any idea?, any response?

    edd Friend


    Some one can clarify me about this?
    Please, take a look to my 3rd message here…


    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>In fact it is about the data base:
    MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+

    My hosting support the MySQL 5.0 and nothing about InnoDB</blockquote>

    <blockquote>- If so, why I can install them with out problem on my server and I have problems installing the TELINE V.</blockquote>

    I think such question should be asked to your hosting provider and not to Joomlart

    the fact is that on other hostings template is installed and works fine.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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