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  • victortopper Friend


    With the new template TELLIN JA III, I have a problem displaying photo. In the images directory I have the directory rezised for pictures but I do not understand this error message
    “Warning: mkdir () [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in / var / www / vhosts / mwinda.org / subdomains / test site / httpdocs / modules / mod_jabulletin / jaimage.php on line 182”.
    Here is the link of my test site. http://site-test.mwinda.org permissions on files and directories are at 755 I had made to 777 was the same thing.

    Thank you for your help

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello victortopper!

    please click to “Report to Jira” Button ( it’s on the bottom-right postion of each thread) and choose Assignee is “Tien Ha Cong”, and give me FTP and Administrator Account in there.

    I will work immediate after accepted your information.


    victortopper Friend

    Hello Mr. Tienhc,

    I could not Trover button “Report to Jira” to send you the ftp and administrative codes.
    thank you for specifying the location

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello victortopper!

    You see this screenshot:

    or you send your information via PM.


    victortopper Friend

    I just send you the codes on your private message

    Phill Moderator

    This is a typical permissions or safe mode problem. Are you able to install other components?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello victortopper!

    this is the problem with php version, the __construct function does’nt work on your site.

    i have quick fix and upgrade the jaimage.php file on our extensions.
    i add this block code in this file:
    function JAImage(){


    now, your site is working well.

    victortopper Friend

    Good evening Mr. Tienhc,

    What version of php to make this template? This function you rejouterà which directory do I find?

    Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello victortopper!

    oh, that’s a bug in our extension, we have improved the thumbnail generable function for some extensions such as ja new, ja new2, ja jabulletin…ect, they have released along ja templates a week ago.
    I’m very luck when found and fixed the issue happening on both your site and our extensions. Many thanks!

    i made my changes with files as follow:


    victortopper Friend

    Thank you a lot of work you do for the Joomla community. I am happy to have contributed to this problem. I would like to know, I would like to Fançais while the top menu that is home, date feature, etc. .. Member which files are needed for the modification

    thank you

    victortopper Friend

    Hello Mr. Tienhc,

    I come to you for information. I would like to change the header of the homepage in French, which files should be changed?
    example: Thursday, November 05th, Home, World, Last update: 04:16:07 AM GMT
    Headlines: Curabitur Suspendisse nibh urna laoreet, consequat Eget hendrerit tempus porttitor, feugiat Proin enim nibh id nulla auctor, aliquam Vivamus Phasellus fames and
    Morbi nunc nibh venenatis Vestibulum libero, * Features, Feature 10 Things you MUST know about Teline III Find out more … * Tool
    Tool are: o Increase font size
    o o Default font size Decrease font size * Member etc. ..
    Best regards

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi victortopper

    You can refer this thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/how-to-modify-date/

    I think it will help you to solve this issue.

    victortopper Friend

    Good evening,
    I would like to use this site “You are here: Home” or of “HEADLINE” to put a drop down menu, is it possible to modify the template if yes which module or file to edit.

    Thank you

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