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  • gary1234 Friend

    Hi I seem to be having a problem with the 404 not being displayed correctly.
    See example link below…

    Could you explain why this is happening.


    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Could you explain where is the problem ?

    As you can see HERE 404 PAGE is correctly showed also on your website since apply-here1 menu item doesn’t exsist

    gary1234 Friend

    If you click the link and compare it to the link below, you will see the difference.

    The header is completely different, the slider is not displaying the car images correctly and the bottom footer is different.


    pavit Moderator

    You should verify that your default template has same settings that you are using for all other menu items and same with modules assigned into footer positions

    404 page is using default ja-rent template –

    so load your logo into it and assign to it positions you want to display for 404 page

    Hope was clear enough

    gary1234 Friend

    If I go to the page via the menu the page is displays correctly.

    But when I the 404 page is displayed through a malformed URL such as


    The page does not display correctly.

    Could it be that something is not configured properly?


    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    You can take a look HERE on how to set your 404 page.

    gary1234 Friend

    Thank you I have got the 404 page working now. The only problem that I am having is that I can’t get rid of the article title. The title seems to default to the word Article and I am not sure how to get rid of it.

    Thanks for your help.

    pavit Moderator

    You have a custom.css file in this folder /templates/ja_rent/css/custom.css at line 103 you have

    .page-title, .page-header h1 {
        font-weight: 700;
        line-height: 1;
        margin: 0 0 8px;
        text-transform: uppercase;

    add to it


    resulted code should be as follow

    .page-title, .page-header h1 {
        font-weight: 700;
        line-height: 1;
        margin: 0 0 8px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        display: none;

    Best regards

    gary1234 Friend

    Adding that css "display: none;" style is not the best way to handle this problem as it removes the page heading from all the other pages that I am using a page heading.

    It seems even though the Page Display Option was already yet to NO, you must still click on SAVE which triggers the option so that the ARTICLES title disappears.. So dont be fooled by the fact that Page Display Option was already yet to NO. Still click on save. And the ARTICLE title will disappear form the page in question.


    pavit Moderator

    Can we consider this topic closed then ?

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