I am trying to set up an ad banner but I am running into a problem when trying to save a new banner component. I am getting the following message while in the Admin Module.
<blockquote>TableBanner::store failed – Table ‘jm_cms.jos_banner’ doesn’t exist SQL=INSERT INTO jos_banner ( `bid`,`cid`,`type`,`name`,`alias`,`imptotal`,`impmade`,`clicks`,`imageurl`,`clickurl`,`date`,`showBanner`,`checked_out`,`checked_out_time`,`editor`,`custombannercode`,`catid`,`description`,`sticky`,`ordering`,`tags` ) VALUES ( ‘0’,’1′,”,’Western Union’,’wu’,’0′,’0′,’0′,”,”,’2008-06-05 15:29:08′,’1′,’0′,’0′,”,”,’21’,”,’0′,”,” )</blockquote>
It seems like it’s trying to write into the table jos_banner which does not exist.
Any help will be appreciated.