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  • msilac Friend

    I have a problem with placing more images in Joomla Articles and K2 articles. Whether I use the Tiny MCE or JCE editor, when I try to add a picture trough the editor or by manually adding the path happens next



    So, editor adds two slashes and of course because of that the picture will not be displayed. That’s what happens when you click Save in the article. And every time when I click save it adds another two slashes 🙂

    Attached is an example of how it looks in the article. I did not to upgrade components or plugins.

    What to do?


    EDIT: Now i see same thing is with links in articles…

    1. adding-image
    2. article_saved
    3. properties_of_added_image
    msilac Friend

    And in slideshow lite module

    One more note… i Am just changed in global configuration – SEO settings “Use URL rewriting” but before that I Am changed htacces.txt to .htacces

    1. slideshow_lite
    msilac Friend

    I guess I enabled something I should not enable 🙂

    Anyone knows?

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello msilac,

    Please try to set “magic_quotes_gpc=off” in your PHP configuration.

    Hope this helps.


    msilac Friend

    Thx for answer,

    I see in System information – Relevant PHP Settings that magic quotes is ON. But dont know where to turn of? Is it a chance that something is wrong in my .htacces file?

    Stork11 Friend

    <blockquote>Is it a chance that something is wrong in my .htacces file? </blockquote>
    Maybe, please find this text “php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off” in your .htaccess file.

    If above text is not in .htaccess file, please ask your hosting provider to turn it off.


    msilac Friend

    Nope, hosting provider is turning off magic quotes gpc but that not helps…

    Stork11 Friend

    Magic quotes PHP setting is still on. Please re-check my screenshot.


    1. Untitled
    msilac Friend

    I really need help about this… this is live site and I can add links, pictures… is someone can look at site administration, maybe I missing something

    msilac Friend

    Yes, that was a problem, now it is off and everything is ok.

    Thank you

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  msilac 11 years, 9 months ago.

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