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  • macthebadazz Friend

    Firstly I have ceratin modules assigned to the homepage, they wont show if you go to the front page….but if you add index.php then they may show…..also the search freindly URLs dont go by Menu items. For example, photos would be photos.html but here it uses the name of the compnonent


    Any help?

    cagnanovaranoadmin Friend

    <em>@macthebadazz 218547 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    …also the search freindly URLs dont go by Menu items. For example, photos would be photos.html but here it uses the name of the compnonent

    It seems that any other default url items don’t work as well. Did you rename the htaccess.txt do .htaccess?

    macthebadazz Friend

    Yes I did, now the only link that wont work is photos…which is linked to joom gallery.

    When i cleaned the cache and changed menus things begin to work correctly.

    macthebadazz Friend

    So far any menu item to a component wont work

    macthebadazz Friend

    So I changed photos to pics and everythings fine…thanx!

    macthebadazz Friend

    Im still looking for the content top module…where is it?

    cagnanovaranoadmin Friend

    <em>@macthebadazz 218569 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Im still looking for the content top module…where is it?

    Accordin to this picture content-top should be placed underneath JA Menu position. Somehow, content-top is not included in the list of the available module positions. Treatment is simple: open templateDetails.xml file placed in the root directory of the template and add the following line after tag <positions> and before </positions>


    Then save the file, refresh the back-end and from the dorp-down list you’ll be able to select the content-top position.

    macthebadazz Friend

    Thanx…how do IU use the CSS? Im trying to style some pictures in articles

    cagnanovaranoadmin Friend

    <em>@macthebadazz 218775 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Thanx…how do IU use the CSS? Im trying to style some pictures in articles

    I think i didn’t understand. Define IU.

    macthebadazz Friend

    I ment “how do i use” ….sorry for the typo

    cagnanovaranoadmin Friend

    <em>@macthebadazz 218775 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    how do I use the CSS? Im trying to style some pictures in articles

    Basically you can display images as they’re displayed in demo just by using the img-border class like this:

    <img src="images/stories/party231_4.jpg" class="img-border left" />

    In this example the image will show up on the left side of the page framed according to img.img-border class contained inside /css/template.css file.
    If you use a custom template and want a custom in-article image frame, it might be necessary to override the default class. Thus can be done easily if you take a look at how other themes are dealing with it. If you run on a unix-like operating system, open your shell and cd into the template root directory, then type

    grep -Hwr 'img-border' .

    This will return all files containing that class. Play with that.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cagnanovaranoadmin 13 years, 11 months ago.

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