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  • ferrotti Friend

    Hi at all!
    I have this problem, when I pubblished an article in with image in the homepage the image can’t resize, in other page yes, but in the homepage no.
    Can somebody help me?

    Thank a lot for youre attention.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    A link / url to your site, would be useful to have a look at your problem.

    ferrotti Friend
    The problem is the image article resize in home page.

    sfpkent Friend


    Good question, I have experienced this before. There are bad news and good news.

    Bad news is no matter how to resize the picture, the problem still exist, but good news is there is a trick to help you.

    Hope I can explain to you clearly. First of all, go to particular article, choose “Hide” intro text at the right panel, parameter.

    Then, you have to create two sizes of the pictures, one is for frontpage (small one), another is for your article (big or normal one).

    After you have created them, type in or copy (whatever) few texts or paragraphs for small picture, insert a “Read More” link under those text. So your frontpage now has no problem.

    For the big or normal picture, type in or copy (whatever) full texts, this is not for your frontpage but for your whole article.

    With this trick, your problem will be solved. Coz I am using the same trick for the same template you are using.

    I don’t know if you are understand, if not, let me know, I will show you in image files. 🙂

    ferrotti Friend

    Thanks for reply!
    I think to understand all 😀 even if my English is not perfect 😛
    Is a good idea but is a little problem for me, because the site is managed from my client and not by me.
    Not is good explane this a the client but I try 😀 …u know, the old age client 😛

    Thank u a lot lot lot…I try this sistem!

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    <em>@sfpkent 119666 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    First of all, go to particular article, choose “Hide” intro text at the right panel, parameter.

    Then, you have to create two sizes of the pictures, one is for frontpage (small one), another is for your article (big or normal one).

    After you have created them, type in or copy (whatever) few texts or paragraphs for small picture, insert a “Read More” link under those text. So your frontpage now has no problem.

    For the big or normal picture, type in or copy (whatever) full texts, this is not for your frontpage but for your whole article.

    With this trick, your problem will be solved. Coz I am using the same trick for the same template you are using.


    Yup agree with the approach of yours, even i have used the same technique (J 1.10.x), although on a non joomlart template and It worked great . The only problem i faced was after i migrated that site to J 1.5.9, by default the site was showing both the images along with double text. Took me over two hours to find and choose “Hide Intro Text”.

    That was good info, reminded me of my frustation.

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