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  • tommydeca Friend

    Hi all,

    I’m completly new to Joomla and Joomlart Templates, so please excuse me if this is something I really should know how to solve without asking here.

    My problem is:

    After uploading the template, I go to Template Manager and click on the JA_Teline_II name. But when I try to make any changes I get this error:

    The Parameter-File /templates/ja_teline_ii/params.ini is Unwritable!

    Any suggestions why?

    Best regards

    Menalto Friend

    You can go to your control panel of your hosting account and change the file permissions to 777 on the file params.ini.

    tommydeca Friend

    Thanks for the tip. Tried to change it to 777 and it changed to Writable in the Template Manager. But as soon as I made a change the permission was changed and Unwritable again.

    I think it might have something to do with my hosting account. They offer an auto installation of Joomla 1.5.3 and they add some default extra security during the setup prosess. I’ve tried to switch it off but I guess I just have to contact them and see if they can help me out. I get some errors when uploading the extensions as well.

    Sherlock Friend

    after you change anything in admin, params.ini auto unwrireable, don’t worry, you still can change params in admin , it’s only waring default.
    Good luck

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