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  • migors Friend

    sorry I am posting here. But I can not find answer. Is it possible to solve joomfish translation problems in ja newsflah module?

    I have a friend who liked to rebuild his webpage. And he used jooma 1.0.15 and ja fagus template, probably stolen from anywhere. I sad you should have licensed and so on. So I took ja fagus quick start. All is ok but this f***n ja news module is not working with joomla 1.5 and lattest joomfish. So I canot finish. Has somebedy solved that problem.

    it could be good if someone from joomlart could answer.

    Anonymous Moderator


    For this issue, please try with my guide:

    + Open ja-newsflashloader.php file in modules/mod_janewsflash/ja_newsflash folder:

    – At about line 203, find following code section:

    [PHP]$link_titles = $params->get( ‘link_titles’ );[/PHP]

    and change to:

    [PHP]$link_titles = $params->get( ‘link_titles’ );

    $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
    $default_lang = $conf->getValue(‘config.defaultlang’);
    $sql_language = “SELECT * FROM #__languages WHERE code = ‘”.$default_lang.”‘”;
    $database->setQuery( $sql_language );
    $rows_language = $database->loadObjectList();
    $lang_shortcode = $rows_language[0]->shortcode;[/PHP]

    – At about line 287, find following code section:

    jaNewsflash.animation = '<?php echo $params->get('animation'); ?>';
    jaNewsflash.livesite = '<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>';
    jaNewsflash.delaytime = <?php echo $delaytime; ?>;
    jaNewsflash.splitter = "97c8730aa693f60439cf3cf4558ce5ea";
    jaNewsflash.interval= <?php echo $params->get('animationtime'); ?>;
    jaNewsflash.currentItem = <?php echo $flashnum;?>;
    jaNewsflash.totalItem = <?php echo $numrows;?>;

    and change to:

    jaNewsflash.animation = '<?php echo $params->get('animation'); ?>';
    jaNewsflash.livesite = '<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>';
    jaNewsflash.delaytime = <?php echo $delaytime; ?>;
    jaNewsflash.splitter = "97c8730aa693f60439cf3cf4558ce5ea";
    jaNewsflash.interval= <?php echo $params->get('animationtime'); ?>;
    jaNewsflash.currentItem = <?php echo $flashnum;?>;
    jaNewsflash.totalItem = <?php echo $numrows;?>;
    jaNewsflash.lang = '<?php echo $lang_shortcode;?>';

    + Open ja-scroll.js file in modules/mod_janewsflash/ja_newsflash folder, at about line 24, find following code:

    url = jaNewsflash.livesite + '/modules/mod_janewsflash/ja_newsflash/ja-newsflashloader.php?curnews=' + jaNewsflash.currentItem + '&loadajax=1&total=' + jaNewsflash.totalItem;

    and change to:

    url = jaNewsflash.livesite + '/modules/mod_janewsflash/ja_newsflash/ja-newsflashloader.php?lang=' + jaNewsflash.lang + '&curnews=' + jaNewsflash.currentItem + '&loadajax=1&total=' + jaNewsflash.totalItem;

    Hope it helps.

    If not, please send me your live url, admin account, ftp account via PM, i will help you to fix this issue?

    migors Friend

    Hi thanks for help. But it don’t work. First code lines do not fit to what I see in mine ja newsflahs php files. But any way I found them and changed. The result is that first newsflash shows up and second there is written: Please select a category for JA Newsflash!

    So it is in both languages.

    You can see it here http://webhost13.datateks.lv/~admin98/index.php

    Of course in modules i cheched all is right.

    I attached my version of ja newsflahs. Can you look please?

    1. mod_janewsflash.zip
    eurolaw Friend

    I’m still having the same problem. Only the fist item is translated. I have this problem both in joomla 1.0.15 as in 1.5. I really think that the support team has to come up with an solution!!!:confused:

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi migors,

    I think this issue is from your configuration.

    If possible, please send me your admin account, ftp account via PM so that i will fix this issue to help you.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi migors,

    I have tried to install this module again but it was not change.
    if possible, please send me your ftp account via PM, i will fix this issue to help you.

    ljubo Friend

    I have modified the lines you sugested, but seems like nothing changed…

    any solution developped now?

    amejat Friend

    I just posted the same question for JA Raite.

    I do not understand why Joomlart still release template and module with known issues without fixing them.

    Come one guies !!!

    If it did not wrok in a previous template, fix it before integrating the same extension in a template !

    amejat Friend

    Will we finally have a fiox for that ???

    sphoeinix Friend

    The only issue I have with JA newsflash is the time it takes to display a new post, around six hours. Is there a way get it to post sooner, like when an article is created. Thanks…

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