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  • darrenf Friend

    Occasionally, images do not show in the tab area when my SEF is turned on.
    After looking through it more closely, I realized that its fine where there is one sub directory as part of the URL. However, when there more than that, the thumbnail fails to load.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi Draren!

    Could you give a link and screenshot for me. I’ll check for you.

    Thank you.

    darrenf Friend

    Any of you have a solution?

    darrenf Friend

    Didn’t see your reply here earlier.

    You can check case id: KEC-134-91410. I have already attached the screen shots.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi Darren!

    This isn’t bug from JA-TABS. This is JA CONTENTSLIDERII bug. Please do this to solve it:

    – Open helper.php under modules/mod_jacontentslider2

    – Replace this code:

    if( $thumbnailMode != 'none' && $jaimage->sourceExited($image) ) {
    $imageURL = $jaimage->resize( $image, $width, $height, $crop, $aspect );
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $imageURL;
    if ( $imageURL != $image && $imageURL ) {
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img src="".$imageURL."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight $attrs />";
    } else {
    $image = "<img $attrs src="$image" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";
    } else {
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $image;
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img $attrs src="$image" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";

    by this code:

    if ( $image ) {
    $title = strip_tags( $title );
    $thumbnailMode = $params->get( 'source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode', 'crop' );
    $aspect = $params->get( 'source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode-resize-use_ratio', '1' );
    $crop = $thumbnailMode == 'crop' ? true:false;
    $jaimage = JAImage::getInstance();

    if( $thumbnailMode != 'none' && $jaimage->sourceExited($image) ) {
    $imageURL = $jaimage->resize( $image, $width, $height, $crop, $aspect );
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $imageURL;
    if ( $imageURL != $image && $imageURL ) {
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img src="".JURI::root().$imageURL."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight $attrs />";
    } else {
    $image = "<img $attrs src="".JURI::root().$image."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";
    } else {
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $image;
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img $attrs src="".JURI::root().$image."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";

    Tell me if you need more helps. Thank you.

    thomaskremer Friend

    Had the same problem, already for a while.

    Fix worked perfectly for me. Thanks!

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